Schema Audiogram-1-500.xsd

schema location C:\Users\chris\Desktop\DataStandards\Audiogram\Fomat 500\Audiogram-1-500.xsd
attributeFormDefault unqualified
elementFormDefault qualified
Elements  Complex types  Simple types 
AudMeasurementConditions  AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type  AuxiliaryParameter_Type 
HIMSAAudiometricStandard  DecayPoint_Type  dBweighting_Type 
DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type  HearingInstrumentCondition_Type 
DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type  PointStatus_Type 
FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type  Presentation_Type 
MeasurementNotes_Type  Signal_Type 
ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint  SignalOutput_Type 
SpeechScorePoint_Type  SpeechThreshold_Type 
TonePoints_Type  ToneAverage_Type 

element AudMeasurementConditions
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p1.png
type AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type
content complex
children StimulusSignalType MaskingSignalType StimulusSignalOutput MaskingSignalOutput StimulusdBWeighting MaskingdBWeighting StimulusPresentationType MaskingPresentationType StimulusTransducerType MaskingTransducerType TransducerDescription StimulusTransducerCalibrationStandard MaskingTransducerCalibrationStandard HearingInstrument_1_Condition HearingInstrument_2_Condition HearingInstrumentDescription StimulusAuxiliary MaskingAuxiliary WordListName AuxiliaryParameterDescription SpeechThresholdType StimulusOnTime MaskingOnTime StimulusOffTime MaskingOffTime StimulusSiSiParameter MaskingSiSiParameter StimulusWarbleModulation MaskingWarbleModulation StimulusWarbleModulationSize MaskingWarbleModulationSize StimulusFrequencyModulation MaskingFrequencyModulation StimulusAmplitudeModulation MaskingAmplitudeModulation StimulusPulseModulation MaskingPulseModulation StimulusPulseCycle MaskingPulseCycle
used by
elements HIMSAAudiometricStandard/AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DecayAudiogram HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenFrequency HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenIntensity HIMSAAudiometricStandard/MostComfortableLevel HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechMostComfortableLevel HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechUncomfortableLevel HIMSAAudiometricStandard/StengerAudiogram HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ToneThresholdAudiogram HIMSAAudiometricStandard/UncomfortableLevel
Global Element used throughout this standard - see AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type for more details

The same set of measurement conditions are used for all Audiogram curves.
The Audiogram measurement conditions are very versatile and expandable in such a way that whenever new measurement methods are discovered they can be added to the existing ones.

They are meant to be used both by the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) for diagnostics purposes and for fitting hearing instruments as well. It is very important to realize that combinations of measurement conditions that make perfect sense to the ENT can be meaningless when programming hearing instruments. It is therefore important to examine all measurement conditions to ascertain whether they are useful for the intended purpose.

The measurement conditions have initial (default) values that must be filled in.

The following elements are mandatory and have initial values set:
StimulusSignalType, MaskingSignalType
StimulusSignalOutput, MaskingSignalOutput
StimulusdBWeighting, MaskingdBWeighting

In addition to the initial default values listed above recording the following audiogram test requires the following elements be set (even though they are listed as optional in the XSD schema file)

For tone audiograms these are:
StimulusPresentationType, MaskingPresentationType

For speech audiograms these are:

## TMeasCond ##
source <xs:element name="AudMeasurementConditions" type="AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type">
<xs:documentation>Global Element used throughout this standard - see AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type for more details

The same set of measurement conditions are used for all Audiogram curves.
The Audiogram measurement conditions are very versatile and expandable in such a way that whenever new measurement methods are discovered they can be added to the existing ones.

They are meant to be used both by the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) for diagnostics purposes and for fitting hearing instruments as well. It is very important to realize that combinations of measurement conditions that make perfect sense to the ENT can be meaningless when programming hearing instruments. It is therefore important to examine all measurement conditions to ascertain whether they are useful for the intended purpose.

The measurement conditions have initial (default) values that must be filled in.

The following elements are mandatory and have initial values set:
StimulusSignalType, MaskingSignalType
StimulusSignalOutput, MaskingSignalOutput
StimulusdBWeighting, MaskingdBWeighting

In addition to the initial default values listed above recording the following audiogram test requires the following elements be set (even though they are listed as optional in the XSD schema file)

For tone audiograms these are:
StimulusPresentationType, MaskingPresentationType

For speech audiograms these are:

## TMeasCond ##

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p2.png
content complex
children ToneThresholdAudiogram UncomfortableLevel MostComfortableLevel SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram SpeechMostComfortableLevel SpeechUncomfortableLevel ToneNotes SpeechNotes FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage DecayAudiogram AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram StengerAudiogram DifferenceLimenIntensity DifferenceLimenFrequency ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex PrivateAudiogramData
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
Version  derived by: xs:integer  required    500  
Version of this data standard
ValidatedByNOAH  xs:boolean  optional      
This attribute is no longer in use.  The original intention was for Noah to fill in the value but the idea was never fully implemented and not needed.
ConvertedFromDataStandard  derived by: xs:integer        
Software saving data formatted via this XSD file should not use this element for storage.  The intention is for Noah data convertors to fill in an appropriate value for runtime conversions - not permanent storage.

Please note that values less than 500 mean that the data was originally stored in a format which was not validated by Noah before storage.  This could mean that the data will not validated against this version

Important: All XML data must be encoded using UTF-8.  With Noah 4.13 and newer Noah validation rules will only allow UTF-8.

Including a Byte Order Mark (BOM)is not necessary but considered acceptable

Declaring and making use of additional XML Namespaces is not allowed.  Noah validation rules will reject the data if detected.

REV 6 (see REV History below)

HIMSA highly recommends the below 3rd party documentation for individuals not familiar with Audiology.  The book is reference throughout this data standard:
[HOCA-5] Handbook of Clinical Audiology, edited by Jack Katz, Williams and Wilkins, 2002, 5. Edition

For software saving an Audiogram using this data standard:
In order not to waste space in the NOAH database it is not legal to save empty elements.  For example, do not store <Element/>.

Copyright © 2012 HIMSA II  K/S

The information in this document is subject to change according to the review policies established by HIMSA II.

HIMSA II MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HIMSA shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the supply of, performance of, or use of this material.

This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No parts of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to Non-HIMSA member companies. without the prior permission of HIMSA II.

Copyright © 2012 HIMSA II  K/S

REV History
Final Release / August 15 2011
REV 1 / July 10 2012, Typo and annotation fixes
REV 2 / April 30th 2014.  - Annotation updates only
+++PointStatus_Type annotations were incomplete.  Made sure that all annotations in format 200 documentation were included
+++SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram annotations improved to make it more clear that this element is also used to store SDT and SAT tests.  Previously the annotation implied it was only for SRT.
REV 3 / August 9 2015 - Annotation updates only.  See new annotations for attributes ValidatedByNOAH and ConvertedFromDataStandard
REV 4 / January 17 2018 - Annotation updates only.  Text "If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design." added to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  This rule already seems to be followed by most companies and the original format 200 documentation stipulates to enter the value if masking is performed.
REV 5 / November 1, 2019 - Annotation updates only, note to use UTF-8
REV 6 / December 7 2020 -Annotation updates only, note on UTF-8 and validation, BOM and use of additional namespaces
## Text between these symbols represent type names from the Audiogram standard format 100 and 200 defined via a C header file.  During the creation of this schema file HIMSA elected to rename element names to be more human readable.  The original type names are listed her for individuals familiar with these names ##

@@ Text entered between these symbols denotes special instructions that have been followed if data has been converted up from format 100 or 200.  In general, HIMSA has tried to make a 1 to 1 mapping of older formats but in some cases some special rules have been put into place.  @@
source <xs:element name="HIMSAAudiometricStandard">
<xs:documentation>ROOT ELEMENT

Important: All XML data must be encoded using UTF-8.  With Noah 4.13 and newer Noah validation rules will only allow UTF-8.

Including a Byte Order Mark (BOM)is not necessary but considered acceptable

Declaring and making use of additional XML Namespaces is not allowed.  Noah validation rules will reject the data if detected.

REV 6 (see REV History below)

HIMSA highly recommends the below 3rd party documentation for individuals not familiar with Audiology.  The book is reference throughout this data standard:
[HOCA-5] Handbook of Clinical Audiology, edited by Jack Katz, Williams and Wilkins, 2002, 5. Edition

For software saving an Audiogram using this data standard:
In order not to waste space in the NOAH database it is not legal to save empty elements.  For example, do not store

Copyright © 2012 HIMSA II  K/S

The information in this document is subject to change according to the review policies established by HIMSA II.

HIMSA II MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OR SUITABILITY FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. HIMSA shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental consequential damages in connection with the supply of, performance of, or use of this material.

This document contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. All rights are reserved. No parts of this document may be photocopied, reproduced or distributed to Non-HIMSA member companies. without the prior permission of HIMSA II.

Copyright © 2012 HIMSA II  K/S

REV History
Final Release / August 15 2011
REV 1 / July 10 2012, Typo and annotation fixes
REV 2 / April 30th 2014.  - Annotation updates only
+++PointStatus_Type annotations were incomplete.  Made sure that all annotations in format 200 documentation were included
+++SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram annotations improved to make it more clear that this element is also used to store SDT and SAT tests.  Previously the annotation implied it was only for SRT.
REV 3 / August 9 2015 - Annotation updates only.  See new annotations for attributes ValidatedByNOAH and ConvertedFromDataStandard
REV 4 / January 17 2018 - Annotation updates only.  Text "If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design." added to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  This rule already seems to be followed by most companies and the original format 200 documentation stipulates to enter the value if masking is performed.
REV 5 / November 1, 2019 - Annotation updates only, note to use UTF-8
REV 6 / December 7 2020 -Annotation updates only, note on UTF-8 and validation, BOM and use of additional namespaces
## Text between these symbols represent type names from the Audiogram standard format 100 and 200 defined via a C header file.  During the creation of this schema file HIMSA elected to rename element names to be more human readable.  The original type names are listed her for individuals familiar with these names ##

@@ Text entered between these symbols denotes special instructions that have been followed if data has been converted up from format 100 or 200.  In general, HIMSA has tried to make a 1 to 1 mapping of older formats but in some cases some special rules have been put into place.  @@
<xs:element name="ToneThresholdAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18">
<xs:documentation>Standard Tone Hearing Threshold (THR) Audiogram. This is the basic audiogram for
recording the patient’s Hearing Threshold Level (HTL).

Method: Presentation of Pure tone stimulus via transducer. Masking in the opposite ear is
frequently used. Threshold is defined as the 50% response level (softest level at which
patient responds to tone 50% of the time).

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation ]

## TToneTHRAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions">
<xs:documentation> Global Element used throughout this standard - see AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type for more details

The same set of measurement conditions are used for all Audiogram curves.
The Audiogram measurement conditions are very versatile and expandable in such a way that whenever new measurement methods are discovered they can be added to the existing ones.

They are meant to be used both by the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) for diagnostics purposes and for fitting hearing instruments as well. It is very important to realize that combinations of measurement conditions that make perfect sense to the ENT can be meaningless when programming hearing instruments. It is therefore important to examine all measurement conditions to ascertain whether they are useful for the intended purpose.

## TMeasCond ##
<xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:element name="UncomfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6">
<xs:documentation>Uncomfortable Level Audiogram

The lowest signal level, in each ear, which is judged to be uncomfortably loud by the patient. The measurement is usually done with pure tones at audiometric frequencies but may be performed using speech-weighted noise; the signal level has to be expressed relative to a reference value, e.g. as hearing level.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation]

## TToneUCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:element name="MostComfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6">
<xs:documentation>Most Comfortable Level (MCL) Audiogram

This is an area within the residual hearing in which sounds are perceived as comfortable by the patient.
Tones presented during this test are pure tones and the patient is asked to respond when they find the sound comfortable. Generally audiologists now try to test to find this area of hearing by concentrating on finding the upper and lower levels of comfort.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation]

## TToneMCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Speech Discrimination is tested by having the speaker present a one syllable word, usually with a lead in sentence such as ’say the word..’ in lists of 25 or 50, which the listener repeats. These lists are standardized and weighted using all of the speech sounds heard in the chosen language. The percentage of words the listener repeats correctly is the discrimination score. The percentage correct is influenced by the type and degree of hearing loss present. This audiogram plots the results of this test against hearing level

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Speech Audiometry]

Note for individuals familiar with earlier versions of this data standard:
In previous versions of this standard this Audiogram was documented as a discrimination loss audiogram.  The documentation implied that the score would represent the loss not the score.  However, this description was in conflict with the definition of the percent score.  To correct this documentation error HIMSA has changed the name and description. 

## TSpeechDLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechDiscriminationPoints" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Stucture for SRT, SDT, and SAT tests

SRT - Speech Reception Threshold Audiogram The SRT is also defined as the Threshold
of Intelligibility (TI). It is defined as the presentation level (in dB HL) necessary for the
patient to reach a score of 50 % when presented for a series of easily understandable
phonemes. The SRT can be compared with the tone audiometry thresholds at the
frequencies [500, 100, 2000] Hz.

The SRT measurement can be carried out as a validation of the Tone Threshold Audiogram.

SDT - Speech Detection threshold test / A single word is presented repeatedly and the intensity is increased in 5dB steps and decreased in 10dB steps (like pure tone audiometry) until the point where the patient indicates they can detect, but not repeat the speech heard. Threshold (again like pure tone audiometry) is taken as the level where the patient responds 2 out of 3 or 2 out of 4 times.

SAT - Speech Awareness Threshold Test / Same Description as of SDT

Set SpeechThreshold_Type to indicate the type of test

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]
Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 32, page 584: Pseudohypacusis]

## TSpeechSRTAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechReceptionPoints" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechMostComfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Speech Most Comfortable Level (MCL) Audiogram. Measurement of Discrimination
Loss is done at Most Comfortable Loudness for the patient, normally 30-40 dB above the
Speech Reception Threshold (SRT).

Some patients might find this level too high (recruitment present). This may make it
difficult to find the correct level for recording the MCL speech audiogram. In such cases a
complete speech audiogram curve should be recorded.  NOTE: only the very MCL point of the speech audiogram can be saved.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]

## TSpeechMCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechMostComfortablePoint" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechUncomfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Speech UnComfortable Level (UCL) Audiogram. The SRT, MCL and UCL for speech
audiograms are saved as a single intensity value.

A complete speech audiogram curve would show the whole range from Speech Reception Threshold
(SRT), to Most Comfortable Level (MCL) to Uncomfortable Level (UCL)

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]

## TSpeechUCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechUncomfortablePoint" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type"/>
<xs:element name="ToneNotes" type="MeasurementNotes_Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Notes added to the Tone Audiogram</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="SpeechNotes" type="MeasurementNotes_Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Notes added to the Speech Audiogram</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage" type="FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This structure allows specification of certain frequencies at which the pure tone average should be calculated. Each ear has two average values to allow for “double-weighting” of certain values as required in certain countries like Japan.

The average calculation method is applied to all averages for the given ear, so there is no
opportunity to specify a different pure tone average calculation method for bone
conduction than is used for air conduction, etc.

The rationale behind only a single set of information for each of left and right ears is that it
really does not make sense to calculate the average differently between two different tests.

A note on the double weighting: Essentially, if the set specifies to weight averages at
500,1000,1500 Hz and the second specifies 1000 Hz, then the average would be calculated
as follows:

(ValueAt(500) + (2 * ValueAt(1000)) + ValueAt(1500)) / 4

If the ValueAt(1000) for the left ear is maybe unreliable, a better average is sought for
that ear but you can still leave the right ear calculation unchanged.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation ]

## TToneAvgCalcValues ##
<xs:element name="DecayAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Testing involves the presentation of a sustained pure tone at or above the patient’s hearing threshold. The patient indicates when the tone is heard and when it disappears. The tone is presented at increasing levels until it is continuously heard for a set amount of time.

Tone decay is defined as a reduction in the ability to hear a sustained tone, and is indicative of a retrocochlear hearing loss.

Tone decay can be carried out at any frequency, and methods including the presentation levels vary in the research literature.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]

## TDecayAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="DecayPoints" type="DecayPoint_Type" maxOccurs="50"/>
<xs:element name="AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>A sound of constant intensity is presented to the patient’s good ear for a few seconds. A sound is then presented to the patient’s bad ear. The patient is asked to judge if the sounds are of equal loudness. The sound in the bad ear is varied until a loudness match with the good ear is found.

The level of the tone presented to the good ear is then increased and the procedure repeated.
At each frequency tested a graph is produced where equal loudness judgments are connected with a straight line.

Abnormal growth of loudness is an indication of cochlear hearing loss and is termed recruitment.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]

## TABLBAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalancePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="192">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="StengerAudiogram" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Stenger test is used when a patient claims that his hearing is impaired in one ear but the Audiologists does not believe them. 

This test can only be performed if the difference in thresholds between ears is ≥ 20 dB. It involves presentation of a tone of one frequency to both ears and is based on the principle that when 2 tones of the same frequency are introduced simultaneously to both ears, only the louder tone will be perceived. The audiometer should allow separate intensity control for each channel.

The tone is first introduced to the good ear at a level which is 5-10 dB above the known
threshold. The same frequency tone is then simultaneously presented to the “bad” ear at a
level 10 dB below the (admitted) threshold. If the patient is simulating a hearing loss he
would hear the tone louder in the bad ear, and would, therefore, not respond to the tone,
since he/she does not want to admit to hearing in the bad ear and is unaware of the tone in
the good ear.

If the patient has a loss in the bad ear as measured, he/she will respond to the tone in the
good ear.  If the patient was found to be dishonest then a new audiogram would be saved.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 32, page 584: Pseudohypacusis]

## TSTStengerAudiogram#
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="StengerPoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Difference Limen Intensity Audiogram also called Amplitude Modulation (AM) Test or
the Lüscher-Zwislocki test. In this audiogram, an Amplitude Modulation is added to a
steady tone, and the patient is asked to indicate the smallest variation he can detect.

The result is then recorded in dB. The most significant level of recording is found to be
approx. 40 dB above the hearing threshold.

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 3, page 33: Pseudohypacusis]

## TDLIAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoints" type="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>## TDLIPoint ##</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequency" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Difference Limen Frequency Audiogram also called Frequency Modulation (FM) Test. In
this audiogram, a Frequency Modulation is added to a steady tone, and the patient is asked
to indicate the smallest variation he can detect. This test is used to diagnose abnormal growth of loudness in cochlear hearing losses.

The result is then recorded in percentage. 

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]
Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 3, page 33: Pseudohypacusis]

## TDLFAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions">
<xs:documentation> Global Element used throughout this standard - see AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type for more details

## TMeasCond ##
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoints" type="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>## TDLFPoint ##</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Short increment sensitivity index testing is where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level. The patient signals if the rise is heard. 20 rises are presented and the score then multiplied by 5 to give a percentage score. People with cochlear losses are likely to score above 70% where as normal hearing and other losses typically score less than 30%

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests]

## TSISIAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoints" type="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint" maxOccurs="24"/>
<xs:element name="PrivateAudiogramData" type="xs:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>In the past it was allowed by HIMSA to save privately formatted data in the unused section of the public storage area of a NOAH action.  This usage was used mainly because more space was allocated for public storage versus private.  At present this is no longer an issue as equal storage is allocated to both public and private data storage.

This elements primary function is to pass along any private data stored in the public area as base64 encoded data.  NOAH is not performing any translation or conversion of data.

This data will never be converted back to an earlier version of a Audiogram data standard.  For example, if an audiogram format 500 is saved with this element populated and then an older NOAH compatible fitting module tries to read the Audiogram (causing a conversion down to format 200) this data will be ignored by the converter process.
<xs:attribute name="Version" use="required" fixed="500">
<xs:documentation>Version of this data standard
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="500"/>
<xs:attribute name="ValidatedByNOAH" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>This attribute is no longer in use.  The original intention was for Noah to fill in the value but the idea was never fully implemented and not needed.</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="ConvertedFromDataStandard">
<xs:documentation>Software saving data formatted via this XSD file should not use this element for storage.  The intention is for Noah data convertors to fill in an appropriate value for runtime conversions - not permanent storage.

Please note that values less than 500 mean that the data was originally stored in a format which was not validated by Noah before storage.  This could mean that the data will not validated against this version
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="100"/>

attribute HIMSAAudiometricStandard/@Version
type restriction of xs:integer
use required
fixed 500
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 500
Version of this data standard
source <xs:attribute name="Version" use="required" fixed="500">
<xs:documentation>Version of this data standard
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="500"/>

attribute HIMSAAudiometricStandard/@ValidatedByNOAH
type xs:boolean
use optional
This attribute is no longer in use.  The original intention was for Noah to fill in the value but the idea was never fully implemented and not needed.
source <xs:attribute name="ValidatedByNOAH" type="xs:boolean" use="optional">
<xs:documentation>This attribute is no longer in use.  The original intention was for Noah to fill in the value but the idea was never fully implemented and not needed.</xs:documentation>

attribute HIMSAAudiometricStandard/@ConvertedFromDataStandard
type restriction of xs:integer
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 100
Software saving data formatted via this XSD file should not use this element for storage.  The intention is for Noah data convertors to fill in an appropriate value for runtime conversions - not permanent storage.

Please note that values less than 500 mean that the data was originally stored in a format which was not validated by Noah before storage.  This could mean that the data will not validated against this version
source <xs:attribute name="ConvertedFromDataStandard">
<xs:documentation>Software saving data formatted via this XSD file should not use this element for storage.  The intention is for Noah data convertors to fill in an appropriate value for runtime conversions - not permanent storage.

Please note that values less than 500 mean that the data was originally stored in a format which was not validated by Noah before storage.  This could mean that the data will not validated against this version
<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">
<xs:minInclusive value="100"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ToneThresholdAudiogram
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p3.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 18
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions TonePoints
Standard Tone Hearing Threshold (THR) Audiogram. This is the basic audiogram for
recording the patient’s Hearing Threshold Level (HTL).

Method: Presentation of Pure tone stimulus via transducer. Masking in the opposite ear is
frequently used. Threshold is defined as the 50% response level (softest level at which
patient responds to tone 50% of the time).

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation ]

## TToneTHRAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="ToneThresholdAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="18">
<xs:documentation>Standard Tone Hearing Threshold (THR) Audiogram. This is the basic audiogram for
recording the patient’s Hearing Threshold Level (HTL).

Method: Presentation of Pure tone stimulus via transducer. Masking in the opposite ear is
frequently used. Threshold is defined as the 50% response level (softest level at which
patient responds to tone 50% of the time).

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation ]

## TToneTHRAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions">
<xs:documentation> Global Element used throughout this standard - see AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type for more details

The same set of measurement conditions are used for all Audiogram curves.
The Audiogram measurement conditions are very versatile and expandable in such a way that whenever new measurement methods are discovered they can be added to the existing ones.

They are meant to be used both by the ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat) for diagnostics purposes and for fitting hearing instruments as well. It is very important to realize that combinations of measurement conditions that make perfect sense to the ENT can be meaningless when programming hearing instruments. It is therefore important to examine all measurement conditions to ascertain whether they are useful for the intended purpose.

## TMeasCond ##
<xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ToneThresholdAudiogram/TonePoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p4.png
type TonePoints_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel TonePointStatus
source <xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/UncomfortableLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p5.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 6
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions TonePoints
Uncomfortable Level Audiogram

The lowest signal level, in each ear, which is judged to be uncomfortably loud by the patient. The measurement is usually done with pure tones at audiometric frequencies but may be performed using speech-weighted noise; the signal level has to be expressed relative to a reference value, e.g. as hearing level.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation]

## TToneUCLAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="UncomfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6">
<xs:documentation>Uncomfortable Level Audiogram

The lowest signal level, in each ear, which is judged to be uncomfortably loud by the patient. The measurement is usually done with pure tones at audiometric frequencies but may be performed using speech-weighted noise; the signal level has to be expressed relative to a reference value, e.g. as hearing level.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation]

## TToneUCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/UncomfortableLevel/TonePoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p6.png
type TonePoints_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel TonePointStatus
source <xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/MostComfortableLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p7.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 6
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions TonePoints
Most Comfortable Level (MCL) Audiogram

This is an area within the residual hearing in which sounds are perceived as comfortable by the patient.
Tones presented during this test are pure tones and the patient is asked to respond when they find the sound comfortable. Generally audiologists now try to test to find this area of hearing by concentrating on finding the upper and lower levels of comfort.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation]

## TToneMCLAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="MostComfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="6">
<xs:documentation>Most Comfortable Level (MCL) Audiogram

This is an area within the residual hearing in which sounds are perceived as comfortable by the patient.
Tones presented during this test are pure tones and the patient is asked to respond when they find the sound comfortable. Generally audiologists now try to test to find this area of hearing by concentrating on finding the upper and lower levels of comfort.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation]

## TToneMCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/MostComfortableLevel/TonePoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p8.png
type TonePoints_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel TonePointStatus
source <xs:element name="TonePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p9.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 12
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions SpeechDiscriminationPoints
Speech Discrimination is tested by having the speaker present a one syllable word, usually with a lead in sentence such as ’say the word..’ in lists of 25 or 50, which the listener repeats. These lists are standardized and weighted using all of the speech sounds heard in the chosen language. The percentage of words the listener repeats correctly is the discrimination score. The percentage correct is influenced by the type and degree of hearing loss present. This audiogram plots the results of this test against hearing level

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Speech Audiometry]

Note for individuals familiar with earlier versions of this data standard:
In previous versions of this standard this Audiogram was documented as a discrimination loss audiogram.  The documentation implied that the score would represent the loss not the score.  However, this description was in conflict with the definition of the percent score.  To correct this documentation error HIMSA has changed the name and description. 

## TSpeechDLAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Speech Discrimination is tested by having the speaker present a one syllable word, usually with a lead in sentence such as ’say the word..’ in lists of 25 or 50, which the listener repeats. These lists are standardized and weighted using all of the speech sounds heard in the chosen language. The percentage of words the listener repeats correctly is the discrimination score. The percentage correct is influenced by the type and degree of hearing loss present. This audiogram plots the results of this test against hearing level

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Speech Audiometry]

Note for individuals familiar with earlier versions of this data standard:
In previous versions of this standard this Audiogram was documented as a discrimination loss audiogram.  The documentation implied that the score would represent the loss not the score.  However, this description was in conflict with the definition of the percent score.  To correct this documentation error HIMSA has changed the name and description. 

## TSpeechDLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechDiscriminationPoints" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram/SpeechDiscriminationPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p10.png
type SpeechScorePoint_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusLevel MaskingLevel ScorePercent NumberOfWords
source <xs:element name="SpeechDiscriminationPoints" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p11.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 12
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions SpeechReceptionPoints
Stucture for SRT, SDT, and SAT tests

SRT - Speech Reception Threshold Audiogram The SRT is also defined as the Threshold
of Intelligibility (TI). It is defined as the presentation level (in dB HL) necessary for the
patient to reach a score of 50 % when presented for a series of easily understandable
phonemes. The SRT can be compared with the tone audiometry thresholds at the
frequencies [500, 100, 2000] Hz.

The SRT measurement can be carried out as a validation of the Tone Threshold Audiogram.

SDT - Speech Detection threshold test / A single word is presented repeatedly and the intensity is increased in 5dB steps and decreased in 10dB steps (like pure tone audiometry) until the point where the patient indicates they can detect, but not repeat the speech heard. Threshold (again like pure tone audiometry) is taken as the level where the patient responds 2 out of 3 or 2 out of 4 times.

SAT - Speech Awareness Threshold Test / Same Description as of SDT

Set SpeechThreshold_Type to indicate the type of test

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]
Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 32, page 584: Pseudohypacusis]

## TSpeechSRTAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Stucture for SRT, SDT, and SAT tests

SRT - Speech Reception Threshold Audiogram The SRT is also defined as the Threshold
of Intelligibility (TI). It is defined as the presentation level (in dB HL) necessary for the
patient to reach a score of 50 % when presented for a series of easily understandable
phonemes. The SRT can be compared with the tone audiometry thresholds at the
frequencies [500, 100, 2000] Hz.

The SRT measurement can be carried out as a validation of the Tone Threshold Audiogram.

SDT - Speech Detection threshold test / A single word is presented repeatedly and the intensity is increased in 5dB steps and decreased in 10dB steps (like pure tone audiometry) until the point where the patient indicates they can detect, but not repeat the speech heard. Threshold (again like pure tone audiometry) is taken as the level where the patient responds 2 out of 3 or 2 out of 4 times.

SAT - Speech Awareness Threshold Test / Same Description as of SDT

Set SpeechThreshold_Type to indicate the type of test

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]
Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 32, page 584: Pseudohypacusis]

## TSpeechSRTAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechReceptionPoints" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram/SpeechReceptionPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p12.png
type SpeechScorePoint_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusLevel MaskingLevel ScorePercent NumberOfWords
source <xs:element name="SpeechReceptionPoints" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechMostComfortableLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p13.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 12
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions SpeechMostComfortablePoint
Speech Most Comfortable Level (MCL) Audiogram. Measurement of Discrimination
Loss is done at Most Comfortable Loudness for the patient, normally 30-40 dB above the
Speech Reception Threshold (SRT).

Some patients might find this level too high (recruitment present). This may make it
difficult to find the correct level for recording the MCL speech audiogram. In such cases a
complete speech audiogram curve should be recorded.  NOTE: only the very MCL point of the speech audiogram can be saved.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]

## TSpeechMCLAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="SpeechMostComfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Speech Most Comfortable Level (MCL) Audiogram. Measurement of Discrimination
Loss is done at Most Comfortable Loudness for the patient, normally 30-40 dB above the
Speech Reception Threshold (SRT).

Some patients might find this level too high (recruitment present). This may make it
difficult to find the correct level for recording the MCL speech audiogram. In such cases a
complete speech audiogram curve should be recorded.  NOTE: only the very MCL point of the speech audiogram can be saved.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]

## TSpeechMCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechMostComfortablePoint" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechMostComfortableLevel/SpeechMostComfortablePoint
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p14.png
type SpeechScorePoint_Type
content complex
children StimulusLevel MaskingLevel ScorePercent NumberOfWords
source <xs:element name="SpeechMostComfortablePoint" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechUncomfortableLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p15.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 12
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions SpeechUncomfortablePoint
Speech UnComfortable Level (UCL) Audiogram. The SRT, MCL and UCL for speech
audiograms are saved as a single intensity value.

A complete speech audiogram curve would show the whole range from Speech Reception Threshold
(SRT), to Most Comfortable Level (MCL) to Uncomfortable Level (UCL)

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]

## TSpeechUCLAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="SpeechUncomfortableLevel" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="12">
<xs:documentation>Speech UnComfortable Level (UCL) Audiogram. The SRT, MCL and UCL for speech
audiograms are saved as a single intensity value.

A complete speech audiogram curve would show the whole range from Speech Reception Threshold
(SRT), to Most Comfortable Level (MCL) to Uncomfortable Level (UCL)

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 7, page 96: Speech Audiometry]

## TSpeechUCLAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechUncomfortablePoint" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechUncomfortableLevel/SpeechUncomfortablePoint
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p16.png
type SpeechScorePoint_Type
content complex
children StimulusLevel MaskingLevel ScorePercent NumberOfWords
source <xs:element name="SpeechUncomfortablePoint" type="SpeechScorePoint_Type"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ToneNotes
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p17.png
type MeasurementNotes_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children AudiometerMakeModel AudiometerSerialNumber AudiometerLastCalibration TestMethod TestReliability
Notes added to the Tone Audiogram
source <xs:element name="ToneNotes" type="MeasurementNotes_Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Notes added to the Tone Audiogram</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechNotes
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p18.png
type MeasurementNotes_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children AudiometerMakeModel AudiometerSerialNumber AudiometerLastCalibration TestMethod TestReliability
Notes added to the Speech Audiogram
source <xs:element name="SpeechNotes" type="MeasurementNotes_Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Notes added to the Speech Audiogram</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p19.png
type FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children LeftEar1 LeftEar2 RightEar1 RightEar2
This structure allows specification of certain frequencies at which the pure tone average should be calculated. Each ear has two average values to allow for “double-weighting” of certain values as required in certain countries like Japan.

The average calculation method is applied to all averages for the given ear, so there is no
opportunity to specify a different pure tone average calculation method for bone
conduction than is used for air conduction, etc.

The rationale behind only a single set of information for each of left and right ears is that it
really does not make sense to calculate the average differently between two different tests.

A note on the double weighting: Essentially, if the set specifies to weight averages at
500,1000,1500 Hz and the second specifies 1000 Hz, then the average would be calculated
as follows:

(ValueAt(500) + (2 * ValueAt(1000)) + ValueAt(1500)) / 4

If the ValueAt(1000) for the left ear is maybe unreliable, a better average is sought for
that ear but you can still leave the right ear calculation unchanged.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation ]

## TToneAvgCalcValues ##
source <xs:element name="FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage" type="FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This structure allows specification of certain frequencies at which the pure tone average should be calculated. Each ear has two average values to allow for “double-weighting” of certain values as required in certain countries like Japan.

The average calculation method is applied to all averages for the given ear, so there is no
opportunity to specify a different pure tone average calculation method for bone
conduction than is used for air conduction, etc.

The rationale behind only a single set of information for each of left and right ears is that it
really does not make sense to calculate the average differently between two different tests.

A note on the double weighting: Essentially, if the set specifies to weight averages at
500,1000,1500 Hz and the second specifies 1000 Hz, then the average would be calculated
as follows:

(ValueAt(500) + (2 * ValueAt(1000)) + ValueAt(1500)) / 4

If the ValueAt(1000) for the left ear is maybe unreliable, a better average is sought for
that ear but you can still leave the right ear calculation unchanged.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 5, page 71: Puretone Evaluation ]

## TToneAvgCalcValues ##

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DecayAudiogram
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p20.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 2
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions DecayPoints
Testing involves the presentation of a sustained pure tone at or above the patient’s hearing threshold. The patient indicates when the tone is heard and when it disappears. The tone is presented at increasing levels until it is continuously heard for a set amount of time.

Tone decay is defined as a reduction in the ability to hear a sustained tone, and is indicative of a retrocochlear hearing loss.

Tone decay can be carried out at any frequency, and methods including the presentation levels vary in the research literature.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]

## TDecayAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="DecayAudiogram" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Testing involves the presentation of a sustained pure tone at or above the patient’s hearing threshold. The patient indicates when the tone is heard and when it disappears. The tone is presented at increasing levels until it is continuously heard for a set amount of time.

Tone decay is defined as a reduction in the ability to hear a sustained tone, and is indicative of a retrocochlear hearing loss.

Tone decay can be carried out at any frequency, and methods including the presentation levels vary in the research literature.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]

## TDecayAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="DecayPoints" type="DecayPoint_Type" maxOccurs="50"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DecayAudiogram/DecayPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p21.png
type DecayPoint_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 50
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel StartTime EndTime
source <xs:element name="DecayPoints" type="DecayPoint_Type" maxOccurs="50"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p22.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalancePoints
A sound of constant intensity is presented to the patient’s good ear for a few seconds. A sound is then presented to the patient’s bad ear. The patient is asked to judge if the sounds are of equal loudness. The sound in the bad ear is varied until a loudness match with the good ear is found.

The level of the tone presented to the good ear is then increased and the procedure repeated.
At each frequency tested a graph is produced where equal loudness judgments are connected with a straight line.

Abnormal growth of loudness is an indication of cochlear hearing loss and is termed recruitment.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]

## TABLBAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>A sound of constant intensity is presented to the patient’s good ear for a few seconds. A sound is then presented to the patient’s bad ear. The patient is asked to judge if the sounds are of equal loudness. The sound in the bad ear is varied until a loudness match with the good ear is found.

The level of the tone presented to the good ear is then increased and the procedure repeated.
At each frequency tested a graph is produced where equal loudness judgments are connected with a straight line.

Abnormal growth of loudness is an indication of cochlear hearing loss and is termed recruitment.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]

## TABLBAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalancePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="192">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram/AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalancePoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p23.png
type TonePoints_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 192
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel TonePointStatus
Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone
source <xs:element name="AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalancePoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="192">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/StengerAudiogram
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p24.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions StengerPoints
The Stenger test is used when a patient claims that his hearing is impaired in one ear but the Audiologists does not believe them. 

This test can only be performed if the difference in thresholds between ears is ≥ 20 dB. It involves presentation of a tone of one frequency to both ears and is based on the principle that when 2 tones of the same frequency are introduced simultaneously to both ears, only the louder tone will be perceived. The audiometer should allow separate intensity control for each channel.

The tone is first introduced to the good ear at a level which is 5-10 dB above the known
threshold. The same frequency tone is then simultaneously presented to the “bad” ear at a
level 10 dB below the (admitted) threshold. If the patient is simulating a hearing loss he
would hear the tone louder in the bad ear, and would, therefore, not respond to the tone,
since he/she does not want to admit to hearing in the bad ear and is unaware of the tone in
the good ear.

If the patient has a loss in the bad ear as measured, he/she will respond to the tone in the
good ear.  If the patient was found to be dishonest then a new audiogram would be saved.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 32, page 584: Pseudohypacusis]

## TSTStengerAudiogram#
source <xs:element name="StengerAudiogram" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Stenger test is used when a patient claims that his hearing is impaired in one ear but the Audiologists does not believe them. 

This test can only be performed if the difference in thresholds between ears is ≥ 20 dB. It involves presentation of a tone of one frequency to both ears and is based on the principle that when 2 tones of the same frequency are introduced simultaneously to both ears, only the louder tone will be perceived. The audiometer should allow separate intensity control for each channel.

The tone is first introduced to the good ear at a level which is 5-10 dB above the known
threshold. The same frequency tone is then simultaneously presented to the “bad” ear at a
level 10 dB below the (admitted) threshold. If the patient is simulating a hearing loss he
would hear the tone louder in the bad ear, and would, therefore, not respond to the tone,
since he/she does not want to admit to hearing in the bad ear and is unaware of the tone in
the good ear.

If the patient has a loss in the bad ear as measured, he/she will respond to the tone in the
good ear.  If the patient was found to be dishonest then a new audiogram would be saved.

Note that the max. 24 curve points can come in any order as [frequency, intensity] pairs.
Each point is properly identified by its standard frequency for which the intensity is

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 32, page 584: Pseudohypacusis]

## TSTStengerAudiogram#
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="StengerPoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/StengerAudiogram/StengerPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p25.png
type TonePoints_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel TonePointStatus
Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone
source <xs:element name="StengerPoints" type="TonePoints_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level and Masking Frequency are used to denote the stimulus in channel 2 of the Audiometer which would always be a pure tone</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenIntensity
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p26.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 2
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions DifferenceLimenIntensityPoints
Difference Limen Intensity Audiogram also called Amplitude Modulation (AM) Test or
the Lüscher-Zwislocki test. In this audiogram, an Amplitude Modulation is added to a
steady tone, and the patient is asked to indicate the smallest variation he can detect.

The result is then recorded in dB. The most significant level of recording is found to be
approx. 40 dB above the hearing threshold.

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 3, page 33: Pseudohypacusis]

## TDLIAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensity" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Difference Limen Intensity Audiogram also called Amplitude Modulation (AM) Test or
the Lüscher-Zwislocki test. In this audiogram, an Amplitude Modulation is added to a
steady tone, and the patient is asked to indicate the smallest variation he can detect.

The result is then recorded in dB. The most significant level of recording is found to be
approx. 40 dB above the hearing threshold.

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 3, page 33: Pseudohypacusis]

## TDLIAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoints" type="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>## TDLIPoint ##</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenIntensity/DifferenceLimenIntensityPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p27.png
type DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel ModulationSize DifferenceLimenIntensityPointStatus
## TDLIPoint ##
source <xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoints" type="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>## TDLIPoint ##</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p28.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 2
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoints
Difference Limen Frequency Audiogram also called Frequency Modulation (FM) Test. In
this audiogram, a Frequency Modulation is added to a steady tone, and the patient is asked
to indicate the smallest variation he can detect. This test is used to diagnose abnormal growth of loudness in cochlear hearing losses.

The result is then recorded in percentage. 

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]
Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 3, page 33: Pseudohypacusis]

## TDLFAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequency" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Difference Limen Frequency Audiogram also called Frequency Modulation (FM) Test. In
this audiogram, a Frequency Modulation is added to a steady tone, and the patient is asked
to indicate the smallest variation he can detect. This test is used to diagnose abnormal growth of loudness in cochlear hearing losses.

The result is then recorded in percentage. 

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests ]
Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 3, page 33: Pseudohypacusis]

## TDLFAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions">
<xs:documentation> Global Element used throughout this standard - see AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type for more details

## TMeasCond ##
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoints" type="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>## TDLFPoint ##</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenFrequency/DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p29.png
type DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel ModulationSize DifferenceLimenFrequencyPointStatus
## TDLFPoint ##
source <xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoints" type="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type" maxOccurs="24">
<xs:documentation>## TDLFPoint ##</xs:documentation>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p30.png
minOcc 0
maxOcc 2
content complex
children AudMeasurementConditions ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoints
Short increment sensitivity index testing is where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level. The patient signals if the rise is heard. 20 rises are presented and the score then multiplied by 5 to give a percentage score. People with cochlear losses are likely to score above 70% where as normal hearing and other losses typically score less than 30%

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests]

## TSISIAudiogram ##
source <xs:element name="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="2">
<xs:documentation>Short increment sensitivity index testing is where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level. The patient signals if the rise is heard. 20 rises are presented and the score then multiplied by 5 to give a percentage score. People with cochlear losses are likely to score above 70% where as normal hearing and other losses typically score less than 30%

Ref. [HOCA-5 chapter 8, page 111: Cochlear and Retrocochlear Behavioral Tests]

## TSISIAudiogram ##
<xs:element ref="AudMeasurementConditions"/>
<xs:element name="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoints" type="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex/ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoints
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p31.png
type ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint
minOcc 1
maxOcc 24
content complex
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel ModulationSize NumberOfAnswers NumberOfIncrements
source <xs:element name="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoints" type="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint" maxOccurs="24"/>

element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/PrivateAudiogramData
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p32.png
type xs:base64Binary
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
In the past it was allowed by HIMSA to save privately formatted data in the unused section of the public storage area of a NOAH action.  This usage was used mainly because more space was allocated for public storage versus private.  At present this is no longer an issue as equal storage is allocated to both public and private data storage.

This elements primary function is to pass along any private data stored in the public area as base64 encoded data.  NOAH is not performing any translation or conversion of data.

This data will never be converted back to an earlier version of a Audiogram data standard.  For example, if an audiogram format 500 is saved with this element populated and then an older NOAH compatible fitting module tries to read the Audiogram (causing a conversion down to format 200) this data will be ignored by the converter process.
source <xs:element name="PrivateAudiogramData" type="xs:base64Binary" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>In the past it was allowed by HIMSA to save privately formatted data in the unused section of the public storage area of a NOAH action.  This usage was used mainly because more space was allocated for public storage versus private.  At present this is no longer an issue as equal storage is allocated to both public and private data storage.

This elements primary function is to pass along any private data stored in the public area as base64 encoded data.  NOAH is not performing any translation or conversion of data.

This data will never be converted back to an earlier version of a Audiogram data standard.  For example, if an audiogram format 500 is saved with this element populated and then an older NOAH compatible fitting module tries to read the Audiogram (causing a conversion down to format 200) this data will be ignored by the converter process.

complexType AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p33.png
children StimulusSignalType MaskingSignalType StimulusSignalOutput MaskingSignalOutput StimulusdBWeighting MaskingdBWeighting StimulusPresentationType MaskingPresentationType StimulusTransducerType MaskingTransducerType TransducerDescription StimulusTransducerCalibrationStandard MaskingTransducerCalibrationStandard HearingInstrument_1_Condition HearingInstrument_2_Condition HearingInstrumentDescription StimulusAuxiliary MaskingAuxiliary WordListName AuxiliaryParameterDescription SpeechThresholdType StimulusOnTime MaskingOnTime StimulusOffTime MaskingOffTime StimulusSiSiParameter MaskingSiSiParameter StimulusWarbleModulation MaskingWarbleModulation StimulusWarbleModulationSize MaskingWarbleModulationSize StimulusFrequencyModulation MaskingFrequencyModulation StimulusAmplitudeModulation MaskingAmplitudeModulation StimulusPulseModulation MaskingPulseModulation StimulusPulseCycle MaskingPulseCycle
used by
element AudMeasurementConditions
Measuring Conditions for each recorded curve
source <xs:complexType name="AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type">
<xs:documentation>Measuring Conditions for each recorded curve
<xs:element name="StimulusSignalType" default="NoSignalApplied">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus signal is the sound being presented to the patient, in the ear being tested, that you want them to respond to. (e.g. Pure Tone)

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalType1 ##
<xs:restriction base="Signal_Type"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingSignalType" type="Signal_Type" default="NoSignalApplied">
<xs:documentation>This is a sound used to stop the hearing in an ear that is not being tested from picking up the test signal. Often used when one ear is found to be significantly poorer than the other or for bone conduction testing.

The non test ear picking up the test tone is called crossover. Masking is presented to the non test ear.

An example of masking noise commonly used is narrowband noise (NBN)

The enumerated value "NoSignalApplied" signals that masking has NOT been performed.  If masking has been used then a value other then NoSignalApplied will and must be used.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 9, page 124: Clinical Masking]

## SignalType2 ##

@@ Translator/Converter RULE
In the Audiogram format 100 and 200 it has been unclearly documented the exact method that must be used to note if masking is used or not.  In some cases the signalType2 would be set correctly or in some cases it was not but yet freq2 or intentisty2 would be set (e.g. masking points would be saved).  In other words there have been two ways to indicate that masking has been used.

If a NOAH compatible program is to create an Audiogram using this XSD file and wishes to state that masking has not been used then it must set “NoSignalApplied”

If a NOAH compatible program is reading format 100 or 200 translated to XML then the translator DLL must follow the below rule

If (SignalType2 = NoSignal) AND There is at least (1 value for freq2 OR  intensity2) for any of the available points then MaskingSignalType = “Unknown” @@
<xs:element name="StimulusSignalOutput" type="SignalOutput_Type" default="NoSignalOutput">
<xs:documentation>This refers to the method used to deliver the sound the patient responds to.  The ear and way the sound is delivered is specified but not the exact device used to deliver that sound (e.g. left air conduction not TDH39)

See annotations for SignalOutput_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalOutput1 ##
<xs:element name="MaskingSignalOutput" type="SignalOutput_Type" default="NoSignalOutput">
<xs:documentation>This refers to the method used to deliver the masking sound to the patient. The ear and way the sound is delivered is specified but not the exact device used to deliver that sound. (e.g. left air conduction not TDH39)

See annotations for SignalOutput_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalOutput2 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusdBWeighting" type="dBweighting_Type" default="NodBWeighting">
<xs:documentation>The weighting used for the stimulus signal.

See annotations for dBweighting_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## dBWeighting1 ##
<xs:element name="MaskingdBWeighting" type="dBweighting_Type" default="NodBWeighting">
<xs:documentation>The weighting used for the masking signal.

See annotations for dBweighting_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## dBWeighting2 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusPresentationType" default="NoPresentationType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Presentation Type for the Stimulus signal

See annotations for Presentation_Type for more information

## presentType1 ##
<xs:restriction base="Presentation_Type"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingPresentationType" type="Presentation_Type" default="NoPresentationType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Presentation Type for the Masking signal

See annotations for Presentation_Type for more information

##  presentType 2 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusTransducerType" type="Transducer_Type" default="NoTransducerType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The device used to deliver sound to the test ear.

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

## transType1 ##
<xs:element name="MaskingTransducerType" type="Transducer_Type" default="NoTransducerType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The device used to deliver sound to the non test ear.

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

## transType2 ##
<xs:element name="TransducerDescription" default="" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Optional description of the Transducer

## transDescr ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusTransducerCalibrationStandard" type="TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type" default="NoTransducerCalibrationStandard" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Standard used for the Stimulus Transducer Calibration

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 4, page 50: Puretone, Speech and Noise signals]

## transCalStand1 ##
<xs:element name="MaskingTransducerCalibrationStandard" type="TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type" default="NoTransducerCalibrationStandard" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Standard used for the MaskingTransducer Calibration

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 4, page 50: Puretone, Speech and Noise signals]

## transCalStand2 ##
<xs:element name="HearingInstrument_1_Condition" type="HearingInstrumentCondition_Type" default="NoCondition" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Indicates if a hearing instrument was worn by the patient during testing for condition 1

See annotations for HearingInstrumentCondtion_Type for more information

## condition1 ##
<xs:element name="HearingInstrument_2_Condition" type="HearingInstrumentCondition_Type" default="NoCondition" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Indicates if a hearing instrument was worn by the patient during testing for condition 2

See annotations for HearingInstrumentCondtion_Type for more information

## condition2 ##
<xs:element name="HearingInstrumentDescription" default="" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Generic text description of the hearing instrument(s) worn during the test

## instrDescr ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusAuxiliary" type="AuxiliaryParameter_Type" default="NoAuxiliaryParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Word list type used for stimulus

See AuxiliaryParameter_Type for more information

## auxParm1 ##
<xs:element name="MaskingAuxiliary" type="AuxiliaryParameter_Type" default="NoAuxiliaryParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Word list type used for masking

See AuxiliaryParameter_Type for more information

##  auxParm2 ##
<xs:element name="WordListName" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>When testing a patient's speech discrimination a number of different sets of words can be used these are termed word lists (e.g. Maryland CNC word list or BKB Sentence list)

## wordListName ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>
<xs:element name="AuxiliaryParameterDescription" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Generic text description of the Auxiliary Parameters

## auxParmDescr ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>
<xs:element name="SpeechThresholdType" type="SpeechThreshold_Type" default="NotUsed" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The type of speech threshold test

See SpeechThreshold_Type for more information

## speechThresType ##
<xs:element name="StimulusOnTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

An example is SISI - short increment sensitivity index testing where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level.

## onTime1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingOnTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

## onTime2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusOffTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is off between presentations (in seconds) in automatic tests.
example is SISI - short increment sensitivity index testing where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level.

## offTime1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingOffTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

## offTime2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusSiSiParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Defines the amount of decibel increase added to the carrier signal during SISI testing, commonly used values are 1,2 and 3 dB

## siSiParm1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingSiSiParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking is not commonly used for SiSi testing,

## ## siSiParm2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusWarbleModulation" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The warble tone is a variation of the pure tone. The frequency of the basic tone is modulated in a desired pattern This is often used in free field Audiometry testing

## WarbleModFreq1 ##
<xs:element name="MaskingWarbleModulation" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Warble Modulation is not commonly used.

## WarbleModFreq2 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusWarbleModulationSize" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The amplitude of the warble tone in percent of the steady tone.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenFrequency testing.

## WarbleModSize1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingWarbleModulationSize" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Warble Modulation Size is not commonly used

## WarbleModSize2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusFrequencyModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The frequency of the basic tone is modulated by a lower frequency to produce a warble sound.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenFrequency

## fmModSize1##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingFrequencyModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Frequency Modulation is typically not used.

## fmModSize2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusAmplitudeModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The amplitude of the basic tone is modulated to produce a warble sound.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenIntensity.

## AMModSize1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingAmplitudeModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Amplitude Modulation is typically not used

## AMModSize2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusPulseModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This is the frequency in Hz with which the signal is switched between the ears

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## ## pulseModFreq1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingPulseModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Pulse Modulation is typically not used

## pulseModFreq2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="StimulusPulseCycle" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Stimulus Pulse Cycle is the percentage of stimulus frequency where the signal is applied to the good ear. The rest of the pulse time is applied to the bad ear.  This tells the audiometer how to cycle through that presentation when the stimulus present button is pressed.

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## pulseDutyCycle1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingPulseCycle" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>In this case masking is understood to be the second measurement channel.  This is the pulse time applied to the bad ear. 

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## pulseDutyCycle2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusSignalType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p34.png
type restriction of Signal_Type
content simple
default NoSignalApplied
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoSignalApplied
enumeration PureTone
enumeration Warble
enumeration NarrowBandNoise
enumeration SpeechNoise
enumeration WhiteNoise
enumeration PinkNoise
enumeration AuxiliarySignal
enumeration Microphone
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Stimulus signal is the sound being presented to the patient, in the ear being tested, that you want them to respond to. (e.g. Pure Tone)

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalType1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusSignalType" default="NoSignalApplied">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus signal is the sound being presented to the patient, in the ear being tested, that you want them to respond to. (e.g. Pure Tone)

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalType1 ##
<xs:restriction base="Signal_Type"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingSignalType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p35.png
type Signal_Type
content simple
default NoSignalApplied
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoSignalApplied
enumeration PureTone
enumeration Warble
enumeration NarrowBandNoise
enumeration SpeechNoise
enumeration WhiteNoise
enumeration PinkNoise
enumeration AuxiliarySignal
enumeration Microphone
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
This is a sound used to stop the hearing in an ear that is not being tested from picking up the test signal. Often used when one ear is found to be significantly poorer than the other or for bone conduction testing.

The non test ear picking up the test tone is called crossover. Masking is presented to the non test ear.

An example of masking noise commonly used is narrowband noise (NBN)

The enumerated value "NoSignalApplied" signals that masking has NOT been performed.  If masking has been used then a value other then NoSignalApplied will and must be used.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 9, page 124: Clinical Masking]

## SignalType2 ##

@@ Translator/Converter RULE
In the Audiogram format 100 and 200 it has been unclearly documented the exact method that must be used to note if masking is used or not.  In some cases the signalType2 would be set correctly or in some cases it was not but yet freq2 or intentisty2 would be set (e.g. masking points would be saved).  In other words there have been two ways to indicate that masking has been used.

If a NOAH compatible program is to create an Audiogram using this XSD file and wishes to state that masking has not been used then it must set “NoSignalApplied”

If a NOAH compatible program is reading format 100 or 200 translated to XML then the translator DLL must follow the below rule

If (SignalType2 = NoSignal) AND There is at least (1 value for freq2 OR  intensity2) for any of the available points then MaskingSignalType = “Unknown” @@
source <xs:element name="MaskingSignalType" type="Signal_Type" default="NoSignalApplied">
<xs:documentation>This is a sound used to stop the hearing in an ear that is not being tested from picking up the test signal. Often used when one ear is found to be significantly poorer than the other or for bone conduction testing.

The non test ear picking up the test tone is called crossover. Masking is presented to the non test ear.

An example of masking noise commonly used is narrowband noise (NBN)

The enumerated value "NoSignalApplied" signals that masking has NOT been performed.  If masking has been used then a value other then NoSignalApplied will and must be used.

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 9, page 124: Clinical Masking]

## SignalType2 ##

@@ Translator/Converter RULE
In the Audiogram format 100 and 200 it has been unclearly documented the exact method that must be used to note if masking is used or not.  In some cases the signalType2 would be set correctly or in some cases it was not but yet freq2 or intentisty2 would be set (e.g. masking points would be saved).  In other words there have been two ways to indicate that masking has been used.

If a NOAH compatible program is to create an Audiogram using this XSD file and wishes to state that masking has not been used then it must set “NoSignalApplied”

If a NOAH compatible program is reading format 100 or 200 translated to XML then the translator DLL must follow the below rule

If (SignalType2 = NoSignal) AND There is at least (1 value for freq2 OR  intensity2) for any of the available points then MaskingSignalType = “Unknown” @@

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusSignalOutput
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p36.png
type SignalOutput_Type
content simple
default NoSignalOutput
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoSignalOutput
enumeration AirConductorLeft
enumeration AirConductorRight
enumeration AirConductorBinaural
enumeration BoneConductorLeft
enumeration BoneConductorRight
enumeration BoneConductorBinaural
enumeration FreeFieldLeft
enumeration FreeFieldRight
enumeration FreeFieldBinaural
enumeration InsertPhoneLeft
enumeration InsertPhoneRight
enumeration InsertPhoneBinaural
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
This refers to the method used to deliver the sound the patient responds to.  The ear and way the sound is delivered is specified but not the exact device used to deliver that sound (e.g. left air conduction not TDH39)

See annotations for SignalOutput_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalOutput1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusSignalOutput" type="SignalOutput_Type" default="NoSignalOutput">
<xs:documentation>This refers to the method used to deliver the sound the patient responds to.  The ear and way the sound is delivered is specified but not the exact device used to deliver that sound (e.g. left air conduction not TDH39)

See annotations for SignalOutput_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalOutput1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingSignalOutput
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p37.png
type SignalOutput_Type
content simple
default NoSignalOutput
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoSignalOutput
enumeration AirConductorLeft
enumeration AirConductorRight
enumeration AirConductorBinaural
enumeration BoneConductorLeft
enumeration BoneConductorRight
enumeration BoneConductorBinaural
enumeration FreeFieldLeft
enumeration FreeFieldRight
enumeration FreeFieldBinaural
enumeration InsertPhoneLeft
enumeration InsertPhoneRight
enumeration InsertPhoneBinaural
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
This refers to the method used to deliver the masking sound to the patient. The ear and way the sound is delivered is specified but not the exact device used to deliver that sound. (e.g. left air conduction not TDH39)

See annotations for SignalOutput_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalOutput2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingSignalOutput" type="SignalOutput_Type" default="NoSignalOutput">
<xs:documentation>This refers to the method used to deliver the masking sound to the patient. The ear and way the sound is delivered is specified but not the exact device used to deliver that sound. (e.g. left air conduction not TDH39)

See annotations for SignalOutput_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## SignalOutput2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusdBWeighting
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p38.png
type dBweighting_Type
content simple
default NodBWeighting
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NodBWeighting
enumeration HL
enumeration SPL
enumeration ABS
enumeration CSL
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The weighting used for the stimulus signal.

See annotations for dBweighting_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## dBWeighting1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusdBWeighting" type="dBweighting_Type" default="NodBWeighting">
<xs:documentation>The weighting used for the stimulus signal.

See annotations for dBweighting_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## dBWeighting1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingdBWeighting
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p39.png
type dBweighting_Type
content simple
default NodBWeighting
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NodBWeighting
enumeration HL
enumeration SPL
enumeration ABS
enumeration CSL
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The weighting used for the masking signal.

See annotations for dBweighting_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## dBWeighting2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingdBWeighting" type="dBweighting_Type" default="NodBWeighting">
<xs:documentation>The weighting used for the masking signal.

See annotations for dBweighting_Type for more information

@@ If the converter DLL for some reason find that this value is not correctly specified then it will set the value as unknown @@

## dBWeighting2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusPresentationType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p40.png
type restriction of Presentation_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoPresentationType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoPresentationType
enumeration Continuous
enumeration PulsedPresentation
enumeration Alternating
enumeration AmplitudeModulated
enumeration StepwiseFrequencyModulated
enumeration Impulse
enumeration SiSiSignal
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Presentation Type for the Stimulus signal

See annotations for Presentation_Type for more information

## presentType1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusPresentationType" default="NoPresentationType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Presentation Type for the Stimulus signal

See annotations for Presentation_Type for more information

## presentType1 ##
<xs:restriction base="Presentation_Type"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingPresentationType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p41.png
type Presentation_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoPresentationType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoPresentationType
enumeration Continuous
enumeration PulsedPresentation
enumeration Alternating
enumeration AmplitudeModulated
enumeration StepwiseFrequencyModulated
enumeration Impulse
enumeration SiSiSignal
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Presentation Type for the Masking signal

See annotations for Presentation_Type for more information

##  presentType 2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingPresentationType" type="Presentation_Type" default="NoPresentationType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Presentation Type for the Masking signal

See annotations for Presentation_Type for more information

##  presentType 2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusTransducerType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p42.png
type Transducer_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoTransducerType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoTransducerType
enumeration TDH39
enumeration HDA200
enumeration EARTONE3A
enumeration DT48
enumeration TDH49
enumeration B71
enumeration B72
enumeration Beoton
enumeration Holmberg
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The device used to deliver sound to the test ear.

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

## transType1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusTransducerType" type="Transducer_Type" default="NoTransducerType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The device used to deliver sound to the test ear.

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

## transType1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingTransducerType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p43.png
type Transducer_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoTransducerType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoTransducerType
enumeration TDH39
enumeration HDA200
enumeration EARTONE3A
enumeration DT48
enumeration TDH49
enumeration B71
enumeration B72
enumeration Beoton
enumeration Holmberg
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The device used to deliver sound to the non test ear.

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

## transType2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingTransducerType" type="Transducer_Type" default="NoTransducerType" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The device used to deliver sound to the non test ear.

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

## transType2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/TransducerDescription
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p44.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default <empty>
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 16
Optional description of the Transducer

## transDescr ##
source <xs:element name="TransducerDescription" default="" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Optional description of the Transducer

## transDescr ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusTransducerCalibrationStandard
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p45.png
type TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoTransducerCalibrationStandard
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoTransducerCalibrationStandard
enumeration ISO389
enumeration ISO389_FFEQ
enumeration ISO7566
enumeration ISO7566_FFEQ
enumeration ISO8798
enumeration ISO8798_FFEQ
enumeration ISO226
enumeration ISO226_FFEQ
enumeration ANSIS36
enumeration ANSIS36_FFEQ
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Standard used for the Stimulus Transducer Calibration

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 4, page 50: Puretone, Speech and Noise signals]

## transCalStand1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusTransducerCalibrationStandard" type="TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type" default="NoTransducerCalibrationStandard" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Standard used for the Stimulus Transducer Calibration

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 4, page 50: Puretone, Speech and Noise signals]

## transCalStand1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingTransducerCalibrationStandard
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p46.png
type TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoTransducerCalibrationStandard
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoTransducerCalibrationStandard
enumeration ISO389
enumeration ISO389_FFEQ
enumeration ISO7566
enumeration ISO7566_FFEQ
enumeration ISO8798
enumeration ISO8798_FFEQ
enumeration ISO226
enumeration ISO226_FFEQ
enumeration ANSIS36
enumeration ANSIS36_FFEQ
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Standard used for the MaskingTransducer Calibration

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 4, page 50: Puretone, Speech and Noise signals]

## transCalStand2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingTransducerCalibrationStandard" type="TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type" default="NoTransducerCalibrationStandard" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Standard used for the MaskingTransducer Calibration

See annotations for Transducer_Type for more information

Ref. [HOCA-5, Chapter 4, page 50: Puretone, Speech and Noise signals]

## transCalStand2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/HearingInstrument_1_Condition
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p47.png
type HearingInstrumentCondition_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoCondition
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoCondition
enumeration UnAided
enumeration Aided1
enumeration Aided2
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Indicates if a hearing instrument was worn by the patient during testing for condition 1

See annotations for HearingInstrumentCondtion_Type for more information

## condition1 ##
source <xs:element name="HearingInstrument_1_Condition" type="HearingInstrumentCondition_Type" default="NoCondition" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Indicates if a hearing instrument was worn by the patient during testing for condition 1

See annotations for HearingInstrumentCondtion_Type for more information

## condition1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/HearingInstrument_2_Condition
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p48.png
type HearingInstrumentCondition_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoCondition
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoCondition
enumeration UnAided
enumeration Aided1
enumeration Aided2
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Indicates if a hearing instrument was worn by the patient during testing for condition 2

See annotations for HearingInstrumentCondtion_Type for more information

## condition2 ##
source <xs:element name="HearingInstrument_2_Condition" type="HearingInstrumentCondition_Type" default="NoCondition" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Indicates if a hearing instrument was worn by the patient during testing for condition 2

See annotations for HearingInstrumentCondtion_Type for more information

## condition2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/HearingInstrumentDescription
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p49.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default <empty>
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 16
Generic text description of the hearing instrument(s) worn during the test

## instrDescr ##
source <xs:element name="HearingInstrumentDescription" default="" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Generic text description of the hearing instrument(s) worn during the test

## instrDescr ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusAuxiliary
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p50.png
type AuxiliaryParameter_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoAuxiliaryParameter
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoAuxiliaryParameter
enumeration MonoSyllabicWords
enumeration MultiSyllabicWords
enumeration DichoticWords
enumeration Freiburger
enumeration Reim
enumeration Numerals
enumeration SpondaicWords
enumeration ConversationalSpeech
enumeration PhoneticallyBalanced
enumeration SentenceMaterial
enumeration BodyParts
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Word list type used for stimulus

See AuxiliaryParameter_Type for more information

## auxParm1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusAuxiliary" type="AuxiliaryParameter_Type" default="NoAuxiliaryParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Word list type used for stimulus

See AuxiliaryParameter_Type for more information

## auxParm1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingAuxiliary
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p51.png
type AuxiliaryParameter_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NoAuxiliaryParameter
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoAuxiliaryParameter
enumeration MonoSyllabicWords
enumeration MultiSyllabicWords
enumeration DichoticWords
enumeration Freiburger
enumeration Reim
enumeration Numerals
enumeration SpondaicWords
enumeration ConversationalSpeech
enumeration PhoneticallyBalanced
enumeration SentenceMaterial
enumeration BodyParts
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Word list type used for masking

See AuxiliaryParameter_Type for more information

##  auxParm2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingAuxiliary" type="AuxiliaryParameter_Type" default="NoAuxiliaryParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Word list type used for masking

See AuxiliaryParameter_Type for more information

##  auxParm2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/WordListName
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p52.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 16
When testing a patient's speech discrimination a number of different sets of words can be used these are termed word lists (e.g. Maryland CNC word list or BKB Sentence list)

## wordListName ##
source <xs:element name="WordListName" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>When testing a patient's speech discrimination a number of different sets of words can be used these are termed word lists (e.g. Maryland CNC word list or BKB Sentence list)

## wordListName ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/AuxiliaryParameterDescription
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p53.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 16
Generic text description of the Auxiliary Parameters

## auxParmDescr ##
source <xs:element name="AuxiliaryParameterDescription" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Generic text description of the Auxiliary Parameters

## auxParmDescr ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/SpeechThresholdType
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p54.png
type SpeechThreshold_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
default NotUsed
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NotUsed
enumeration SRT
enumeration SDT
enumeration SAT
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The type of speech threshold test

See SpeechThreshold_Type for more information

## speechThresType ##
source <xs:element name="SpeechThresholdType" type="SpeechThreshold_Type" default="NotUsed" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The type of speech threshold test

See SpeechThreshold_Type for more information

## speechThresType ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusOnTime
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p55.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.000
fractionDigits 3
Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

An example is SISI - short increment sensitivity index testing where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level.

## onTime1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusOnTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

An example is SISI - short increment sensitivity index testing where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level.

## onTime1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingOnTime
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p56.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.000
fractionDigits 3
Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

## onTime2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingOnTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

## onTime2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusOffTime
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p57.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.000
fractionDigits 3
Used to control how long a signal is off between presentations (in seconds) in automatic tests.
example is SISI - short increment sensitivity index testing where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level.

## offTime1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusOffTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is off between presentations (in seconds) in automatic tests.
example is SISI - short increment sensitivity index testing where a continuous tone is presented 20dB above HTL and every 5 seconds the intensity of that tone increases by 1 dB and is held at that level for one- fifth of a second before reducing back to the original level.

## offTime1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingOffTime
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p58.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.000
fractionDigits 3
Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

## offTime2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingOffTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Used to control how long a signal is presented, in seconds, when a button on the audiometer is pressed.

## offTime2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="3"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.000"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusSiSiParameter
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p59.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Defines the amount of decibel increase added to the carrier signal during SISI testing, commonly used values are 1,2 and 3 dB

## siSiParm1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusSiSiParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Defines the amount of decibel increase added to the carrier signal during SISI testing, commonly used values are 1,2 and 3 dB

## siSiParm1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingSiSiParameter
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p60.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking is not commonly used for SiSi testing,

## ## siSiParm2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingSiSiParameter" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking is not commonly used for SiSi testing,

## ## siSiParm2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusWarbleModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p61.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
The warble tone is a variation of the pure tone. The frequency of the basic tone is modulated in a desired pattern This is often used in free field Audiometry testing

## WarbleModFreq1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusWarbleModulation" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The warble tone is a variation of the pure tone. The frequency of the basic tone is modulated in a desired pattern This is often used in free field Audiometry testing

## WarbleModFreq1 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingWarbleModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p62.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Masking Warble Modulation is not commonly used.

## WarbleModFreq2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingWarbleModulation" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Warble Modulation is not commonly used.

## WarbleModFreq2 ##

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusWarbleModulationSize
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p63.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
The amplitude of the warble tone in percent of the steady tone.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenFrequency testing.

## WarbleModSize1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusWarbleModulationSize" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The amplitude of the warble tone in percent of the steady tone.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenFrequency testing.

## WarbleModSize1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingWarbleModulationSize
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p64.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
Masking Warble Modulation Size is not commonly used

## WarbleModSize2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingWarbleModulationSize" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Warble Modulation Size is not commonly used

## WarbleModSize2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusFrequencyModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p65.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
The frequency of the basic tone is modulated by a lower frequency to produce a warble sound.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenFrequency

## fmModSize1##
source <xs:element name="StimulusFrequencyModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The frequency of the basic tone is modulated by a lower frequency to produce a warble sound.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenFrequency

## fmModSize1##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingFrequencyModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p66.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
Masking Frequency Modulation is typically not used.

## fmModSize2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingFrequencyModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Frequency Modulation is typically not used.

## fmModSize2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusAmplitudeModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p67.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
The amplitude of the basic tone is modulated to produce a warble sound.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenIntensity.

## AMModSize1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusAmplitudeModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The amplitude of the basic tone is modulated to produce a warble sound.

Measurement conditions typically used with DifferenceLimenIntensity.

## AMModSize1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingAmplitudeModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p68.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking Amplitude Modulation is typically not used

## AMModSize2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingAmplitudeModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Amplitude Modulation is typically not used

## AMModSize2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusPulseModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p69.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.0
fractionDigits 1
This is the frequency in Hz with which the signal is switched between the ears

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## ## pulseModFreq1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusPulseModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>This is the frequency in Hz with which the signal is switched between the ears

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## ## pulseModFreq1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingPulseModulation
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p70.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.0
fractionDigits 1
Masking Pulse Modulation is typically not used

## pulseModFreq2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingPulseModulation" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Pulse Modulation is typically not used

## pulseModFreq2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusPulseCycle
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p71.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
The Stimulus Pulse Cycle is the percentage of stimulus frequency where the signal is applied to the good ear. The rest of the pulse time is applied to the bad ear.  This tells the audiometer how to cycle through that presentation when the stimulus present button is pressed.

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## pulseDutyCycle1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusPulseCycle" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Stimulus Pulse Cycle is the percentage of stimulus frequency where the signal is applied to the good ear. The rest of the pulse time is applied to the bad ear.  This tells the audiometer how to cycle through that presentation when the stimulus present button is pressed.

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## pulseDutyCycle1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingPulseCycle
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p72.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
In this case masking is understood to be the second measurement channel.  This is the pulse time applied to the bad ear. 

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## pulseDutyCycle2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingPulseCycle" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>In this case masking is understood to be the second measurement channel.  This is the pulse time applied to the bad ear. 

Measurement conditions typically used with AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceConditions

## pulseDutyCycle2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

complexType DecayPoint_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p73.png
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel StartTime EndTime
used by
element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DecayAudiogram/DecayPoints
Data point for Decay sections

## TDecayPoint ##
source <xs:complexType name="DecayPoint_Type">
<xs:documentation>Data point for Decay sections

## TDecayPoint ##
<xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##
<xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Intensity Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="StartTime">
<xs:documentation>Start time for a Decay presentation

## startTimeSec ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:element name="EndTime">
<xs:documentation>Start and End time for a Decay presentation

## endTimeSec ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

element DecayPoint_Type/StimulusFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p74.png
type xs:integer
content simple
Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##

element DecayPoint_Type/StimulusLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p75.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element DecayPoint_Type/MaskingFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p76.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##
source <xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##

element DecayPoint_Type/MaskingLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p77.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Intensity Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Intensity Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element DecayPoint_Type/StartTime
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p78.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
Start time for a Decay presentation

## startTimeSec ##
source <xs:element name="StartTime">
<xs:documentation>Start time for a Decay presentation

## startTimeSec ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>

element DecayPoint_Type/EndTime
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p79.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
Start and End time for a Decay presentation

## endTimeSec ##
source <xs:element name="EndTime">
<xs:documentation>Start and End time for a Decay presentation

## endTimeSec ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>

complexType DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p80.png
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel ModulationSize DifferenceLimenFrequencyPointStatus
used by
element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenFrequency/DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoints
Data point for Difference Limen Frequency (DLF)

## TDLFPoint ##
source <xs:complexType name="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type">
<xs:documentation>Data point for Difference Limen Frequency (DLF)

## TDLFPoint ##
<xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##
<xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="ModulationSize">
<xs:documentation>Modulation Size. The observed Difference Limen Threshold is saved as a percentage. This integer value represents the lowest detectable difference in frequency represented as described below:

The Difference Limen (DL) will be saved for the variation in frequency in question in the
variable modSize. In the DLF case the measurement becomes

Frequency1A - Frequency1B
Modulation Size = ___________________________________________ X 10,000

Intensity1A is defined as the measuring intensity and thus saved as intensity1. Intensity1B is the varied stimulus intensity. It can be increased or lowered.

## modSize ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:totalDigits value="2"/>
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPointStatus" type="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Status of Point

See PointStatus_Type enumeration for more details

element DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/StimulusFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p81.png
type xs:integer
content simple
Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##

element DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/StimulusLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p82.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/MaskingFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p83.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##
source <xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##

element DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/MaskingLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p84.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/ModulationSize
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p85.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
totalDigits 2
Modulation Size. The observed Difference Limen Threshold is saved as a percentage. This integer value represents the lowest detectable difference in frequency represented as described below:

The Difference Limen (DL) will be saved for the variation in frequency in question in the
variable modSize. In the DLF case the measurement becomes

Frequency1A - Frequency1B
Modulation Size = ___________________________________________ X 10,000

Intensity1A is defined as the measuring intensity and thus saved as intensity1. Intensity1B is the varied stimulus intensity. It can be increased or lowered.

## modSize ##
source <xs:element name="ModulationSize">
<xs:documentation>Modulation Size. The observed Difference Limen Threshold is saved as a percentage. This integer value represents the lowest detectable difference in frequency represented as described below:

The Difference Limen (DL) will be saved for the variation in frequency in question in the
variable modSize. In the DLF case the measurement becomes

Frequency1A - Frequency1B
Modulation Size = ___________________________________________ X 10,000

Intensity1A is defined as the measuring intensity and thus saved as intensity1. Intensity1B is the varied stimulus intensity. It can be increased or lowered.

## modSize ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:totalDigits value="2"/>

element DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/DifferenceLimenFrequencyPointStatus
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p86.png
type PointStatus_Type
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration Normal
enumeration AlwaysResponse
enumeration NoResponse
enumeration NotMeasurable
enumeration DidNotTest
enumeration CouldNotTest
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Status of Point

See PointStatus_Type enumeration for more details
source <xs:element name="DifferenceLimenFrequencyPointStatus" type="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Status of Point

See PointStatus_Type enumeration for more details

complexType DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p87.png
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel ModulationSize DifferenceLimenIntensityPointStatus
used by
element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/DifferenceLimenIntensity/DifferenceLimenIntensityPoints
Data point for Difference Limen Intensity (DLI) thresholds

The difference limen (DL) will be saved for the frequency in question in the variable

## TDLIPoint ##
source <xs:complexType name="DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type">
<xs:documentation>Data point for Difference Limen Intensity (DLI) thresholds

The difference limen (DL) will be saved for the frequency in question in the variable

## TDLIPoint ##
<xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz

## freq2##
<xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="ModulationSize">
<xs:documentation>Modulation Size. The observed Difference Limen Threshold measured in dB.  This value represents the lowest detectable difference in Sound Pressure Level.

## modSize ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>
<xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensityPointStatus" type="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Status of the point

See PointStatus_Type annotations for more details

element DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/StimulusFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p88.png
type xs:integer
content simple
Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##

element DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/StimulusLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p89.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/MaskingFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p90.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Frequency of the masking channel in Hz

## freq2##
source <xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz

## freq2##

element DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/MaskingLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p91.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/ModulationSize
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p92.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.0
fractionDigits 1
Modulation Size. The observed Difference Limen Threshold measured in dB.  This value represents the lowest detectable difference in Sound Pressure Level.

## modSize ##
source <xs:element name="ModulationSize">
<xs:documentation>Modulation Size. The observed Difference Limen Threshold measured in dB.  This value represents the lowest detectable difference in Sound Pressure Level.

## modSize ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.0"/>

element DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/DifferenceLimenIntensityPointStatus
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p93.png
type PointStatus_Type
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration Normal
enumeration AlwaysResponse
enumeration NoResponse
enumeration NotMeasurable
enumeration DidNotTest
enumeration CouldNotTest
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Status of the point

See PointStatus_Type annotations for more details
source <xs:element name="DifferenceLimenIntensityPointStatus" type="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Status of the point

See PointStatus_Type annotations for more details

complexType FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p94.png
children LeftEar1 LeftEar2 RightEar1 RightEar2
used by
element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage
## TToneAvgCalcValues; ##
source <xs:complexType name="FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type">
<xs:documentation>## TToneAvgCalcValues; ##</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="LeftEar1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for LeftEar1

## TToneAvg ##

<xs:restriction base="ToneAverage_Type"/>
<xs:element name="LeftEar2" type="ToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for LeftEar2

## TToneAvg ##

<xs:element name="RightEar1" type="ToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for RightEar1

## TToneAvg ##

<xs:element name="RightEar2" type="ToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for RightEar2

## TToneAvg ##


element FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/LeftEar1
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p95.png
type restriction of ToneAverage_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 13
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 125
enumeration 250
enumeration 500
enumeration 750
enumeration 1000
enumeration 1500
enumeration 2000
enumeration 3000
enumeration 4000
enumeration 6000
enumeration 8000
enumeration 12000
enumeration 16000
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Frequencies used to calculate the average for LeftEar1

## TToneAvg ##

source <xs:element name="LeftEar1" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for LeftEar1

## TToneAvg ##

<xs:restriction base="ToneAverage_Type"/>

element FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/LeftEar2
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p96.png
type ToneAverage_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 13
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 125
enumeration 250
enumeration 500
enumeration 750
enumeration 1000
enumeration 1500
enumeration 2000
enumeration 3000
enumeration 4000
enumeration 6000
enumeration 8000
enumeration 12000
enumeration 16000
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Frequencies used to calculate the average for LeftEar2

## TToneAvg ##

source <xs:element name="LeftEar2" type="ToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for LeftEar2

## TToneAvg ##


element FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/RightEar1
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p97.png
type ToneAverage_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 13
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 125
enumeration 250
enumeration 500
enumeration 750
enumeration 1000
enumeration 1500
enumeration 2000
enumeration 3000
enumeration 4000
enumeration 6000
enumeration 8000
enumeration 12000
enumeration 16000
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Frequencies used to calculate the average for RightEar1

## TToneAvg ##

source <xs:element name="RightEar1" type="ToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for RightEar1

## TToneAvg ##


element FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/RightEar2
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p98.png
type ToneAverage_Type
minOcc 0
maxOcc 13
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 125
enumeration 250
enumeration 500
enumeration 750
enumeration 1000
enumeration 1500
enumeration 2000
enumeration 3000
enumeration 4000
enumeration 6000
enumeration 8000
enumeration 12000
enumeration 16000
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Frequencies used to calculate the average for RightEar2

## TToneAvg ##

source <xs:element name="RightEar2" type="ToneAverage_Type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="13">
<xs:documentation>Frequencies used to calculate the average for RightEar2

## TToneAvg ##


complexType MeasurementNotes_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p99.png
children AudiometerMakeModel AudiometerSerialNumber AudiometerLastCalibration TestMethod TestReliability
used by
elements HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechNotes HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ToneNotes
The Measurement Notes structure is designed to hold the notes from an Audiological
Measurement. The information herein could be useful to other entities as the information
affects the test and its results.

## TMeasurementNotes ##
source <xs:complexType name="MeasurementNotes_Type">
<xs:documentation>The Measurement Notes structure is designed to hold the notes from an Audiological
Measurement. The information herein could be useful to other entities as the information
affects the test and its results.

## TMeasurementNotes ##
<xs:element name="AudiometerMakeModel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Manufacturer Make Model of the equipment used.

## makeModel ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>
<xs:element name="AudiometerSerialNumber" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Manufacturer Serial Number of the equipment used.

## serialNo ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>
<xs:element name="AudiometerLastCalibration" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Date of Last Calibration of the equipment used.

## dateOfLastCalibration ##
<xs:element name="TestMethod" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>It is possible to carry out Audiological tests according to a number of different protocols. This field allows the actual method of testing to be described.  For example, Visual reinforcement Audiometry is used to achieve a Pure Tone Audiogram from small children and the audiologist would comment that testing was performed using this method.

## testMethod ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>
<xs:element name="TestReliability" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Patients are required to respond consistently at the same level during pure tone audiometry in order to find their HTL accurately. For some patients this is not possible and an accurate HTL cannot be established because the patient responds at varying levels during the testing claiming them to be their HTL. The audiologist would generally remark that the responses were not accurate by writing a comment in the reliability field

## testReliability ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>

element MeasurementNotes_Type/AudiometerMakeModel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p100.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 41
The Manufacturer Make Model of the equipment used.

## makeModel ##
source <xs:element name="AudiometerMakeModel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Manufacturer Make Model of the equipment used.

## makeModel ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>

element MeasurementNotes_Type/AudiometerSerialNumber
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p101.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 41
The Manufacturer Serial Number of the equipment used.

## serialNo ##
source <xs:element name="AudiometerSerialNumber" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The Manufacturer Serial Number of the equipment used.

## serialNo ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>

element MeasurementNotes_Type/AudiometerLastCalibration
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p102.png
type xs:dateTime
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Date of Last Calibration of the equipment used.

## dateOfLastCalibration ##
source <xs:element name="AudiometerLastCalibration" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Date of Last Calibration of the equipment used.

## dateOfLastCalibration ##

element MeasurementNotes_Type/TestMethod
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p103.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 41
It is possible to carry out Audiological tests according to a number of different protocols. This field allows the actual method of testing to be described.  For example, Visual reinforcement Audiometry is used to achieve a Pure Tone Audiogram from small children and the audiologist would comment that testing was performed using this method.

## testMethod ##
source <xs:element name="TestMethod" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>It is possible to carry out Audiological tests according to a number of different protocols. This field allows the actual method of testing to be described.  For example, Visual reinforcement Audiometry is used to achieve a Pure Tone Audiogram from small children and the audiologist would comment that testing was performed using this method.

## testMethod ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>

element MeasurementNotes_Type/TestReliability
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p104.png
type restriction of xs:string
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
maxLength 41
Patients are required to respond consistently at the same level during pure tone audiometry in order to find their HTL accurately. For some patients this is not possible and an accurate HTL cannot be established because the patient responds at varying levels during the testing claiming them to be their HTL. The audiologist would generally remark that the responses were not accurate by writing a comment in the reliability field

## testReliability ##
source <xs:element name="TestReliability" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Patients are required to respond consistently at the same level during pure tone audiometry in order to find their HTL accurately. For some patients this is not possible and an accurate HTL cannot be established because the patient responds at varying levels during the testing claiming them to be their HTL. The audiologist would generally remark that the responses were not accurate by writing a comment in the reliability field

## testReliability ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="41"/>

complexType ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p105.png
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel ModulationSize NumberOfAnswers NumberOfIncrements
used by
element HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ShortIncrementSensitivityIndex/ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoints
Data point for Short Increment Sensitivity Index (SISI) Audiogram

## TSiSiPoint ##
source <xs:complexType name="ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint">
<xs:documentation>Data point for Short Increment Sensitivity Index (SISI) Audiogram

## TSiSiPoint ##
<xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
<xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##
<xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="ModulationSize">
<xs:documentation>The observed SiSi Increment size measured in dB.  This value represents the lowest detectable difference in Sound Pressure Level

## ModSize ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="NumberOfAnswers" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Number of positive responses given by the patient corresponding to the saved increment

## TSiSiIncrements ##
<xs:element name="NumberOfIncrements" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>The total number of presentations given with the corresponding increment size

## TSiSiIncrements ##

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/StimulusFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p106.png
type xs:integer
content simple
Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz.

## freq1 ##

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/StimulusLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p107.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/MaskingFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p108.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##
source <xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the masking channel in Hz.

## freq2##

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/MaskingLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p109.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/ModulationSize
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p110.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
The observed SiSi Increment size measured in dB.  This value represents the lowest detectable difference in Sound Pressure Level

## ModSize ##
source <xs:element name="ModulationSize">
<xs:documentation>The observed SiSi Increment size measured in dB.  This value represents the lowest detectable difference in Sound Pressure Level

## ModSize ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/NumberOfAnswers
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p111.png
type xs:integer
content simple
Number of positive responses given by the patient corresponding to the saved increment

## TSiSiIncrements ##
source <xs:element name="NumberOfAnswers" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Number of positive responses given by the patient corresponding to the saved increment

## TSiSiIncrements ##

element ShortIncrementSensitivityIndexPoint/NumberOfIncrements
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p112.png
type xs:integer
content simple
The total number of presentations given with the corresponding increment size

## TSiSiIncrements ##
source <xs:element name="NumberOfIncrements" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>The total number of presentations given with the corresponding increment size

## TSiSiIncrements ##

complexType SpeechScorePoint_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p113.png
children StimulusLevel MaskingLevel ScorePercent NumberOfWords
used by
elements HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechDiscriminationAudiogram/SpeechDiscriminationPoints HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechMostComfortableLevel/SpeechMostComfortablePoint HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechReceptionThresholdAudiogram/SpeechReceptionPoints HIMSAAudiometricStandard/SpeechUncomfortableLevel/SpeechUncomfortablePoint
Data point for Speech Scores, used by all speech audiograms

## TSpeechPoint ##
source <xs:complexType name="SpeechScorePoint_Type">
<xs:documentation>Data point for Speech Scores, used by all speech audiograms

## TSpeechPoint ##
<xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="ScorePercent">
<xs:documentation>The number of correct repeated phonemes (words, syllables…) in percent

## scorePct ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>
<xs:element name="NumberOfWords" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The number of correctly repeated phonemes (words, syllables…)

## words ##

element SpeechScorePoint_Type/StimulusLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p114.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element SpeechScorePoint_Type/MaskingLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p115.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element SpeechScorePoint_Type/ScorePercent
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p116.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
minInclusive 0.00
fractionDigits 2
The number of correct repeated phonemes (words, syllables…) in percent

## scorePct ##
source <xs:element name="ScorePercent">
<xs:documentation>The number of correct repeated phonemes (words, syllables…) in percent

## scorePct ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="2"/>
<xs:minInclusive value="0.00"/>

element SpeechScorePoint_Type/NumberOfWords
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p117.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
The number of correctly repeated phonemes (words, syllables…)

## words ##
source <xs:element name="NumberOfWords" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>The number of correctly repeated phonemes (words, syllables…)

## words ##

complexType TonePoints_Type
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p118.png
children StimulusFrequency StimulusLevel MaskingFrequency MaskingLevel TonePointStatus
used by
elements HIMSAAudiometricStandard/AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalanceAudiogram/AlternateBinauralLoudnessBalancePoints HIMSAAudiometricStandard/StengerAudiogram/StengerPoints HIMSAAudiometricStandard/ToneThresholdAudiogram/TonePoints HIMSAAudiometricStandard/UncomfortableLevel/TonePoints HIMSAAudiometricStandard/MostComfortableLevel/TonePoints
Data point used to store curve points of tone audiograms

## TTonePoint ##

@@ HIMSA has noticed that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have setup many AudMeasurementConditions for curve but then never entered any actual points.  If the TonePoints collection is empty then the curve must not be converted to XML, doing so allows for a much smaller XML file @@
source <xs:complexType name="TonePoints_Type">
<xs:documentation>Data point used to store curve points of tone audiograms

## TTonePoint ##

@@ HIMSA has noticed that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have setup many AudMeasurementConditions for curve but then never entered any actual points.  If the TonePoints collection is empty then the curve must not be converted to XML, doing so allows for a much smaller XML file @@
<xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz

## freq1 ##

@@ HIMSA has found that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have improperly used the value of 0 (zero) to denote an empty value.  This use causes a very inefficient creation of XML files. 
If all the StimulusFrequency elements contain the value of 0 for a given curve then do not convert the StimulusFrequency and corresponding StimulusLevel elements as they do not represent useful data.
The same rule applies to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel @@
<xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency for masking channel

If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design.

## freq2 ##

@@ HIMSA has found that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have improperly used the value of 0 (zero) to denote an empty value.  This use causes a very inefficient creation of XML files. 
If all the StimulusFrequency elements contain the value of 0 for a given curve then do not convert the StimulusFrequency and corresponding StimulusLevel elements as they do not represent useful data.
The same rule applies to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel @@
<xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design.

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>
<xs:element name="TonePointStatus" type="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Status of the point

See PointStatus_Type annotation notes for more information

element TonePoints_Type/StimulusFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p119.png
type xs:integer
content simple
Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz

## freq1 ##

@@ HIMSA has found that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have improperly used the value of 0 (zero) to denote an empty value.  This use causes a very inefficient creation of XML files. 
If all the StimulusFrequency elements contain the value of 0 for a given curve then do not convert the StimulusFrequency and corresponding StimulusLevel elements as they do not represent useful data.
The same rule applies to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel @@
source <xs:element name="StimulusFrequency" type="xs:integer">
<xs:documentation>Frequency of the stimulus channel in Hz

## freq1 ##

@@ HIMSA has found that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have improperly used the value of 0 (zero) to denote an empty value.  This use causes a very inefficient creation of XML files. 
If all the StimulusFrequency elements contain the value of 0 for a given curve then do not convert the StimulusFrequency and corresponding StimulusLevel elements as they do not represent useful data.
The same rule applies to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel @@

element TonePoints_Type/StimulusLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p120.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
source <xs:element name="StimulusLevel">
<xs:documentation>Stimulus Level of the stimulus channel in dB

## intensity1 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element TonePoints_Type/MaskingFrequency
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p121.png
type xs:integer
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Frequency for masking channel

If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design.

## freq2 ##

@@ HIMSA has found that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have improperly used the value of 0 (zero) to denote an empty value.  This use causes a very inefficient creation of XML files. 
If all the StimulusFrequency elements contain the value of 0 for a given curve then do not convert the StimulusFrequency and corresponding StimulusLevel elements as they do not represent useful data.
The same rule applies to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel @@
source <xs:element name="MaskingFrequency" type="xs:integer" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Frequency for masking channel

If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design.

## freq2 ##

@@ HIMSA has found that some modules saving in format 100 or 200 have improperly used the value of 0 (zero) to denote an empty value.  This use causes a very inefficient creation of XML files. 
If all the StimulusFrequency elements contain the value of 0 for a given curve then do not convert the StimulusFrequency and corresponding StimulusLevel elements as they do not represent useful data.
The same rule applies to MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel @@

element TonePoints_Type/MaskingLevel
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p122.png
type restriction of xs:decimal
minOcc 0
maxOcc 1
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
fractionDigits 1
Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design.

## intensity2 ##
source <xs:element name="MaskingLevel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>Masking Level of the masking channel in dB

If masking is to be recorded it is then necessary to save values for both MaskingFrequency and MaskingLevel.  The XSD was not able to be setup to enforce this rule due to legacy (format 200) design.

## intensity2 ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:decimal">
<xs:fractionDigits value="1"/>

element TonePoints_Type/TonePointStatus
diagram Audiogram500rev6_diagrams/Audiogram500rev6_p123.png
type PointStatus_Type
content simple
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration Normal
enumeration AlwaysResponse
enumeration NoResponse
enumeration NotMeasurable
enumeration DidNotTest
enumeration CouldNotTest
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Status of the point

See PointStatus_Type annotation notes for more information
source <xs:element name="TonePointStatus" type="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Status of the point

See PointStatus_Type annotation notes for more information

simpleType AuxiliaryParameter_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingAuxiliary AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusAuxiliary
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoAuxiliaryParameter
enumeration MonoSyllabicWords
enumeration MultiSyllabicWords
enumeration DichoticWords
enumeration Freiburger
enumeration Reim
enumeration Numerals
enumeration SpondaicWords
enumeration ConversationalSpeech
enumeration PhoneticallyBalanced
enumeration SentenceMaterial
enumeration BodyParts
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Typically used with speech testing

Types of word list used to carry out speech testing. Some are used for speech discrimination testing but others are there for more specific tests of speech understanding in noise for example. This does not define the actual word list used by name just by the type

## TAUXParm ##
source <xs:simpleType name="AuxiliaryParameter_Type">
<xs:documentation>Typically used with speech testing

Types of word list used to carry out speech testing. Some are used for speech discrimination testing but others are there for more specific tests of speech understanding in noise for example. This does not define the actual word list used by name just by the type

## TAUXParm ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoAuxiliaryParameter"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MonoSyllabicWords"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MultiSyllabicWords"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DichoticWords"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Freiburger"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reim"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Numerals"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SpondaicWords"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ConversationalSpeech"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PhoneticallyBalanced"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SentenceMaterial"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BodyParts"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType dBweighting_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingdBWeighting AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusdBWeighting
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NodBWeighting
enumeration HL
enumeration SPL
enumeration ABS
enumeration CSL
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The decibel scale is used to measure the level of sound presented to the ears relative to a reference point. The decibel scales express a ratio between two numbers these are converted to a logarithmic scale. As this is a ratio we must have a reference level - you cannot say the sound is 10 times bigger if you do not state what it is bigger than. This reference point varies between different dB scales.

For example dBSPL uses audiometric zero as it's reference point which is measured in Pascals and is the minimum pressure required to cause the sensation of hearing in the mid frequency region, (0,0002Pa). There are a number of different scales to use when measuring hearing thresholds on all of which use decibels with different reference points.

The stimulus dB weighting is used to determine how much correction is required so that the audiometer dials read accurately for the chosen measurement scale. This will vary between tests e.g. dBSPL and dBHL measurements will have different dB weightings.

ABS / Absolute Value of a measurement without any corrections
CSL / Comfortable Speech Level.  According to ISO standard.

## TdBWeighting  ##
## Enumerated Value HTL has been changed to HL ##
source <xs:simpleType name="dBweighting_Type">
<xs:documentation>The decibel scale is used to measure the level of sound presented to the ears relative to a reference point. The decibel scales express a ratio between two numbers these are converted to a logarithmic scale. As this is a ratio we must have a reference level - you cannot say the sound is 10 times bigger if you do not state what it is bigger than. This reference point varies between different dB scales.

For example dBSPL uses audiometric zero as it's reference point which is measured in Pascals and is the minimum pressure required to cause the sensation of hearing in the mid frequency region, (0,0002Pa). There are a number of different scales to use when measuring hearing thresholds on all of which use decibels with different reference points.

The stimulus dB weighting is used to determine how much correction is required so that the audiometer dials read accurately for the chosen measurement scale. This will vary between tests e.g. dBSPL and dBHL measurements will have different dB weightings.

ABS / Absolute Value of a measurement without any corrections
CSL / Comfortable Speech Level.  According to ISO standard.

## TdBWeighting  ##
## Enumerated Value HTL has been changed to HL ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NodBWeighting"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SPL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ABS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CSL"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType HearingInstrumentCondition_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/HearingInstrument_1_Condition AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/HearingInstrument_2_Condition
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoCondition
enumeration UnAided
enumeration Aided1
enumeration Aided2
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The Hearing Instrument Condition Type indicates whether the patient wore a Hearing Instrument during the measurement. The NOAH 3.0 Audiogram Module specification allows a user to specify both an Aided1 and an Aided2 condition to differentiate between tests with two different types of Hearing Instruments. This scenario may mean that the user enters data in an Aided2 field without corresponding information on the Aided1 test condition.

## THICondition ##
source <xs:simpleType name="HearingInstrumentCondition_Type">
<xs:documentation>The Hearing Instrument Condition Type indicates whether the patient wore a Hearing Instrument during the measurement. The NOAH 3.0 Audiogram Module specification allows a user to specify both an Aided1 and an Aided2 condition to differentiate between tests with two different types of Hearing Instruments. This scenario may mean that the user enters data in an Aided2 field without corresponding information on the Aided1 test condition.

## THICondition ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoCondition"/>
<xs:enumeration value="UnAided"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Aided1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Aided2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType PointStatus_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements DifferenceLimenFrequencyPoint_Type/DifferenceLimenFrequencyPointStatus DifferenceLimenIntensityPoint_Type/DifferenceLimenIntensityPointStatus TonePoints_Type/TonePointStatus
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration Normal
enumeration AlwaysResponse
enumeration NoResponse
enumeration NotMeasurable
enumeration DidNotTest
enumeration CouldNotTest
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Notes for Enumerated Values:

+ Unknown / The parameter is defined, but to the value Unknown

+ Normal / Valid threshold point.  Used for valid curve points at the threshold: For this threshold point,  the patient could hear and respond to the presented stimulus 50 pct. of the time. (from the definition of a threshold).

+ AlwaysResponse / Patient might hear better than this.  Used for valid curve points probably above the threshold:, The patient could hear and respond to the presented stimulus all of the time.

+ NoResponse / Patient did not respond.  The stimulus was at the highest output level of the measurement device, but the patient did not respond. In pure tone graph, a point is
plotted at the dB level corresponding to the highest output level of the measuring device.

+ NotMeasurable / Presented stimulus to patient but without a result. It was not possible to measure threshold consistently or reliably.  A point is plotted at the dB level that best represents the test results

+ DidNotTest / The stimulus was not presented to subject. Reasons: Per instruction by physician or because the test was judged to be unnecessary. No point was plotted.

+ CouldNotTest / Unable to present stimulus.Reasons: Subject's physical or behavioral limitations. No point was plotted.

## NoStatus enumerated value has been changed to Normal ##
source <xs:simpleType name="PointStatus_Type">
<xs:documentation>Notes for Enumerated Values:

+ Unknown / The parameter is defined, but to the value Unknown

+ Normal / Valid threshold point.  Used for valid curve points at the threshold: For this threshold point,  the patient could hear and respond to the presented stimulus 50 pct. of the time. (from the definition of a threshold).

+ AlwaysResponse / Patient might hear better than this.  Used for valid curve points probably above the threshold:, The patient could hear and respond to the presented stimulus all of the time.

+ NoResponse / Patient did not respond.  The stimulus was at the highest output level of the measurement device, but the patient did not respond. In pure tone graph, a point is
plotted at the dB level corresponding to the highest output level of the measuring device.

+ NotMeasurable / Presented stimulus to patient but without a result. It was not possible to measure threshold consistently or reliably.  A point is plotted at the dB level that best represents the test results

+ DidNotTest / The stimulus was not presented to subject. Reasons: Per instruction by physician or because the test was judged to be unnecessary. No point was plotted.

+ CouldNotTest / Unable to present stimulus.Reasons: Subject's physical or behavioral limitations. No point was plotted.

## NoStatus enumerated value has been changed to Normal ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Normal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AlwaysResponse"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoResponse"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NotMeasurable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DidNotTest"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CouldNotTest"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType Presentation_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingPresentationType AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusPresentationType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoPresentationType
enumeration Continuous
enumeration PulsedPresentation
enumeration Alternating
enumeration AmplitudeModulated
enumeration StepwiseFrequencyModulated
enumeration Impulse
enumeration SiSiSignal
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Presentation is done in a number of different ways. In some tests the stimulus is always on (i.e. using the continuous presentation type)- (e.g. Tone Decay presents a continuous pure tone signal.)

Some of the stimulus types in this section are specific to diagnostic tests such as:
+ SISI ./ Short Increment Sensitivity Index
+ Alternating / usually used with ABLB testing (Alternate Binaural Loudness balance)
+ Amplitude Modulated / used in Bekesey Audiometry (automatic)
+ StepWiseFrequencyModulated / often called ‘warble tones’ can be used in free field testing
+ Impulse / Random pulses
+ Pulsed Presentation / Used in Bekesey Audiometry (automatic) and can be used as part of pure tone audiometry to make it easier for patients to distinguish stimulus sound

## TPresentType ##
source <xs:simpleType name="Presentation_Type">
<xs:documentation>Presentation is done in a number of different ways. In some tests the stimulus is always on (i.e. using the continuous presentation type)- (e.g. Tone Decay presents a continuous pure tone signal.)

Some of the stimulus types in this section are specific to diagnostic tests such as:
+ SISI ./ Short Increment Sensitivity Index
+ Alternating / usually used with ABLB testing (Alternate Binaural Loudness balance)
+ Amplitude Modulated / used in Bekesey Audiometry (automatic)
+ StepWiseFrequencyModulated / often called ‘warble tones’ can be used in free field testing
+ Impulse / Random pulses
+ Pulsed Presentation / Used in Bekesey Audiometry (automatic) and can be used as part of pure tone audiometry to make it easier for patients to distinguish stimulus sound

## TPresentType ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoPresentationType"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Continuous"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PulsedPresentation"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Alternating"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AmplitudeModulated"/>
<xs:enumeration value="StepwiseFrequencyModulated"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Impulse"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SiSiSignal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType Signal_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingSignalType AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusSignalType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoSignalApplied
enumeration PureTone
enumeration Warble
enumeration NarrowBandNoise
enumeration SpeechNoise
enumeration WhiteNoise
enumeration PinkNoise
enumeration AuxiliarySignal
enumeration Microphone
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
AuxiliarySignal / Stimulus from Compact Disc or Audio Tape
Microphone / Live voice from microphone

## TSignalType ##
##NoSignal now  is NoSignalApplied ##
source <xs:simpleType name="Signal_Type">
<xs:documentation>AuxiliarySignal / Stimulus from Compact Disc or Audio Tape
Microphone / Live voice from microphone

## TSignalType ##
##NoSignal now  is NoSignalApplied ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoSignalApplied"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PureTone"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Warble"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NarrowBandNoise"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SpeechNoise"/>
<xs:enumeration value="WhiteNoise"/>
<xs:enumeration value="PinkNoise"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AuxiliarySignal"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Microphone"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType SignalOutput_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingSignalOutput AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusSignalOutput
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoSignalOutput
enumeration AirConductorLeft
enumeration AirConductorRight
enumeration AirConductorBinaural
enumeration BoneConductorLeft
enumeration BoneConductorRight
enumeration BoneConductorBinaural
enumeration FreeFieldLeft
enumeration FreeFieldRight
enumeration FreeFieldBinaural
enumeration InsertPhoneLeft
enumeration InsertPhoneRight
enumeration InsertPhoneBinaural
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The Signal Output Type is of extra importance. It defines the means of presenting sound to the patient:
+ Air Conductor / headphones
+ Bone conductor / vibrator placed on the mastoid (HOCA-5 page 10)
+ Free Field / Loudspeakers in a special test room
+ Insert Phone / small foam tips used to deliver air conduction test

It also defines which side (i.e. the persons left or right ear) is stimulated.

## TSignalOutput ##
source <xs:simpleType name="SignalOutput_Type">
<xs:documentation>The Signal Output Type is of extra importance. It defines the means of presenting sound to the patient:
+ Air Conductor / headphones
+ Bone conductor / vibrator placed on the mastoid (HOCA-5 page 10)
+ Free Field / Loudspeakers in a special test room
+ Insert Phone / small foam tips used to deliver air conduction test

It also defines which side (i.e. the persons left or right ear) is stimulated.

## TSignalOutput ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoSignalOutput"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AirConductorLeft"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AirConductorRight"/>
<xs:enumeration value="AirConductorBinaural"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BoneConductorLeft"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BoneConductorRight"/>
<xs:enumeration value="BoneConductorBinaural"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FreeFieldLeft"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FreeFieldRight"/>
<xs:enumeration value="FreeFieldBinaural"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InsertPhoneLeft"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InsertPhoneRight"/>
<xs:enumeration value="InsertPhoneBinaural"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType SpeechThreshold_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
element AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/SpeechThresholdType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NotUsed
enumeration SRT
enumeration SDT
enumeration SAT
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3

This enumerated type is used for speech testing to determine if the test used is of type SAT, SDT or SRT. Speech is used as the stimulus in these tests.

+SRT - Speech recognition threshold test / The level at which 50% correct score is obtained when patients are asked to repeat a spondaic word list.  - Spondaic words are 2 syllable words with equal stress on each syllable.( e.g. Birthday)

+SDT - Speech Detection threshold test / A single word is presented repeatedly and the intensity is increased in 5dB steps and decreased in 10dB steps (like pure tone audiometry) until the point where the patient indicates they can detect, but not repeat the speech heard. Threshold (again like pure tone audiometry) is taken as the level where the patient responds 2 out of 3 or 2 out of 4 times.

+SAT Speech Awareness Threshold Test / Same Description as of SDT

## TSpeechThresholdType ##
source <xs:simpleType name="SpeechThreshold_Type">
This enumerated type is used for speech testing to determine if the test used is of type SAT, SDT or SRT. Speech is used as the stimulus in these tests.

+SRT - Speech recognition threshold test / The level at which 50% correct score is obtained when patients are asked to repeat a spondaic word list.  - Spondaic words are 2 syllable words with equal stress on each syllable.( e.g. Birthday)

+SDT - Speech Detection threshold test / A single word is presented repeatedly and the intensity is increased in 5dB steps and decreased in 10dB steps (like pure tone audiometry) until the point where the patient indicates they can detect, but not repeat the speech heard. Threshold (again like pure tone audiometry) is taken as the level where the patient responds 2 out of 3 or 2 out of 4 times.

+SAT Speech Awareness Threshold Test / Same Description as of SDT

## TSpeechThresholdType ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NotUsed"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SRT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SDT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SAT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType ToneAverage_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/LeftEar1 FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/LeftEar2 FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/RightEar1 FrequenciesUsedForToneAverage_Type/RightEar2
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration 125
enumeration 250
enumeration 500
enumeration 750
enumeration 1000
enumeration 1500
enumeration 2000
enumeration 3000
enumeration 4000
enumeration 6000
enumeration 8000
enumeration 12000
enumeration 16000
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Frequency Values used to calculate the average

In the event that a XML file is saved into NOAH (e.g. a new NOAH module is saving in version 500) it is technically possible for a frequency to be listed more than once as this would validate fine.  In the event that a program is reading the data then the additional entry will effectively need to be ignored

source <xs:simpleType name="ToneAverage_Type">
<xs:documentation> Frequency Values used to calculate the average

In the event that a XML file is saved into NOAH (e.g. a new NOAH module is saving in version 500) it is technically possible for a frequency to be listed more than once as this would validate fine.  In the event that a program is reading the data then the additional entry will effectively need to be ignored

<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="125"/>
<xs:enumeration value="250"/>
<xs:enumeration value="500"/>
<xs:enumeration value="750"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="1500"/>
<xs:enumeration value="2000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="3000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="4000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="6000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="8000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="12000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="16000"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType Transducer_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingTransducerType AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusTransducerType
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoTransducerType
enumeration TDH39
enumeration HDA200
enumeration EARTONE3A
enumeration DT48
enumeration TDH49
enumeration B71
enumeration B72
enumeration Beoton
enumeration Holmberg
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
The device used to deliver sound (e.g. type of headphone TDH39)
A simple explanation for each type of device is provided below:
+ TDH39 / Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests
+ HDA200 / Supra aural headphones often used for extended high frequency air conduction testing
+ EarTone 3A / Insert earphones
+ DT48 / Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests
+ TDH49 /  Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests
+ B71 / Bone Conductor
+ B72 / Bone conductor
+ Beoton / specific set of headphones used with Beoton audiometers only
+ Holmberg / Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests usually used in noisier environments

## TTransType ##
source <xs:simpleType name="Transducer_Type">
<xs:documentation>The device used to deliver sound (e.g. type of headphone TDH39)
A simple explanation for each type of device is provided below:
+ TDH39 / Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests
+ HDA200 / Supra aural headphones often used for extended high frequency air conduction testing
+ EarTone 3A / Insert earphones
+ DT48 / Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests
+ TDH49 /  Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests
+ B71 / Bone Conductor
+ B72 / Bone conductor
+ Beoton / specific set of headphones used with Beoton audiometers only
+ Holmberg / Supra aural headphones for air conduction tests usually used in noisier environments

## TTransType ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoTransducerType"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TDH39"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HDA200"/>
<xs:enumeration value="EARTONE3A"/>
<xs:enumeration value="DT48"/>
<xs:enumeration value="TDH49"/>
<xs:enumeration value="B71"/>
<xs:enumeration value="B72"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Beoton"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Holmberg"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

simpleType TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type
type restriction of xs:NMTOKEN
base xs:NMTOKEN
used by
elements AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/MaskingTransducerCalibrationStandard AudioMetricMeasurementConditions_Type/StimulusTransducerCalibrationStandard
Kind Value Annotation
enumeration Unknown
enumeration NoTransducerCalibrationStandard
enumeration ISO389
enumeration ISO389_FFEQ
enumeration ISO7566
enumeration ISO7566_FFEQ
enumeration ISO8798
enumeration ISO8798_FFEQ
enumeration ISO226
enumeration ISO226_FFEQ
enumeration ANSIS36
enumeration ANSIS36_FFEQ
enumeration User1
enumeration User2
enumeration User3
Different ISO and ANSI standards available for transducer calibration. The calibration standards are
available for a number of typical transducers

## TTransCalStand ##
source <xs:simpleType name="TransducerCalibrationStandard_Type">
<xs:documentation>Different ISO and ANSI standards available for transducer calibration. The calibration standards are
available for a number of typical transducers

## TTransCalStand ##
<xs:restriction base="xs:NMTOKEN">
<xs:enumeration value="Unknown"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NoTransducerCalibrationStandard"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO389"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO389_FFEQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO7566"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO7566_FFEQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO8798"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO8798_FFEQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO226"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ISO226_FFEQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ANSIS36"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ANSIS36_FFEQ"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User1"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User2"/>
<xs:enumeration value="User3"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor